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久久小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第13章 决战13

第13章 决战13(1/1)

Actually...the more he thought about it, the more he saw the bright side. 事实上...他越想越觉得事情有好的一面。

He was still alive now, wasn't he? His own immune system had fought off the after effects of the worst, most extreme chills, and was now stronger for it. 他现在还活着,是吧?他自己的免疫系统抵抗了最严重、最极端寒冷的后遗症,并因此变得更强大。

Maybe he didn't have to fear the iymore. 也许他不再需要害怕冰了。

"Goodness me, it sure is freezing out here, eh? Pardon the pun." "天哪,这里真是冷得要命,嗯?请原谅我打趣。"

Gohan's eyes jolted opeive to that despicable voice. 悟饭的眼睛猛地睁开,对那个可恶的声音非常敏感。

"Frieza?!" "弗利萨?!

" He jumped up, looking all over for any trace of the bastard. 他跳了起来,四处寻找那个混蛋的任何踪迹。

This couldn't have been happening; how had even known he was here? Or worse – what had happened outside? 这不可能发生;他们怎么会知道他在这里?或者更糟糕的是 - 外面发生了什么?

"Turn around to your left, young d!" “年轻人,转身看你的左边!”

Gohan did as directed, and there he was – Frieza, his hands csped his waving tail, with that phony smile on his face. 悟饭按照指示转过身,然后他看到了 - 弗利萨,他的手紧握着他摇晃的尾巴,脸上露出虚伪的笑容。

And he wasn't alone. 而且他不是一个人。

Right o him was Goku, only his entire body had bee ice. 就在他旁边是悟空,只不过他的整个身体已经结冰。

Both of his palms were raised, while his mouth hung open mid-scream. 他的两只手掌都被举起,嘴巴张开,正中间发出尖叫声。

Even against the below freeziher, Gohan's body heated up, an aura igniting around him that disied the fabric of his jacket. 尽管面对着零度以下的寒冷天气,悟饭的身体却发热起来,周围燃起一道光环,将他夹克的面料瞬间消融。

"What have you doo my father?!" “你对我父亲做了什么?!”

That primal, votile porapping its callous hands around Gohan's mind, its grip tightening as Frieza taunted him with his pompous ughter. 那原始而不稳定的力量在悟饭的心灵中扭曲着冷酷的双手,当弗利萨用自负的笑声嘲弄他时,它的控制力越来越紧。

"Strike me down before it's too te!" “在为时已晚之前,击倒我吧!”

His sanity out the window, Goha Frieza, but the monster pushed the sculpture that was once Goku in front of himself as a shield. Too fast and too manic, Gohan's right arm smashed through, shattering him into a thousand pieces. He hadn't felt anything physically, but the terror that hit him froze him in pce. 他的理智丧失殆尽,悟饭朝弗利萨扑去,但那怪物将曾经是悟空的雕像推到了自己面前作为盾牌。悟饭过于迅猛疯狂,右臂穿透了雕像,将其粉碎成千片。他没有感受到任何身体上的疼痛,但击中他的恐惧使他呆立不动。

He was gone. His father, the one who had given him life and had to live every day with his inability to protect him, dead by his hand. All Frieza had to do was round up the pin fohan to strike down. 他离开了。他的父亲,那个给予他生命并每天都不得不忍受自己无力保护他的人,被他亲手杀死了。弗利萨所要做的就是找到引爆开关,让悟饭来击倒。

"Nice shot!" “好枪法!”

At the sound of Frieza's voice, Gohan's growing dismay shrunk, and wrath took its pce. He turned around, more determihao eradicate the abominable virus. He chased after him again with his leg ready to deal fatal damage, only someone else got in his way – his mother and little brother. 听到弗利萨的声音,悟饭逐渐增长的沮丧收敛起来,愤怒取而代之。他转过身,比以往任何时候都更坚决地要消灭这个可憎的病毒。他再次追赶,准备用腿给予致命的打击,只是有人挡住了他的去路 - 他的母亲和弟弟。

They, too, were frozen and uo move out of the way from Gohan's kick. 他们也被冻住了,无法躲避悟饭的踢击。 They too, shattered. 他们也破碎了。

Gohan colpsed onto his knees and squeezed two fistfuls of his hair, even ripping a few strands out. 悟饭跪倒在地,用两把拳头抓住自己的头发,甚至拔掉了几缕。 He screamed all of his pain out into the void as the white turned into bess in his unstable vision. 他将所有的痛苦都尖叫出来,空洞中的白色变成了他不稳定视觉中的黑暗。 None of his efforts had mattered. 他的努力毫无意义。 None of the belief his parents had in him mattered. 他父母对他的信任也毫无意义。 They were dead, all because of his power. 他们死了,都是因为他的力量。

"e now, Gohan! It's not all doom and gloom!" "来吧,悟饭!并非全是厄运和黑暗!"

Gohan sat up, feeling another surge of p on. 悟饭坐了起来,感受到又一股力量的涌动。 Fed up with Frieza and his grip, he turned around again. 对弗利萨和他的控制感到厌倦,他再次转身。

The ice sculpture in front of him this time? Arepa. 这次在他面前的冰雕是?阿莉帕。

She had her arm reached out, almost like she had been seeking Gohan specifically. 她伸出手臂,几乎像是在特意寻找悟饭一样。

Not only was her face a twisted scream, he could even make out a tear from her frozen eyes. 她的脸不仅扭曲着尖叫,甚至可以看到她冻结的眼睛中有一滴泪水。

The sight of even her in that state brought Gohan to his knees. 即使是看到她处于那种状态,也让悟饭跪倒在地。

"I never should have trusted this rambunctious tramp to begin with," Frieza said, cirg around her. “一开始我就不应该相信这个粗野的流浪汉,”弗利萨说着,绕着她转了一圈。

"She was from that turncoat Kab's army, after all. 她毕竟是那个背叛者卡布奈特的军队中的人。

Of course she would lead you down the wrong path. 当然她会引导你走错路。"

Frieza walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. 弗利萨朝她走去,轻拍了她的肩膀。 "But as, all good things must e to an end, no matter how cute. 但遗憾的是,所有美好的事物都必将结束,无论多可爱。

I think I'll hahis myself. 我想我自己来处理。"

"No!" “不!”

Gohan leaped back up and chased them down, diving at Arepa's statue to protect her. 悟饭跳了起来,追赶着他们,扑向阿莉帕的雕像保护她。 To his surprise, he flew through her; and rather than shatter, she simply vanished. 令他惊讶的是,他穿过了她;而不是粉碎,她只是消失了。 Gohan fell onto his hands and knees, with nothing in his vision but the slick frozen floor. 悟饭跌落到手脚并拱起,他的视野中只有光滑冰冷的地面。

It wasn't real. 这不是真的。

None of it had been. 所有的一切都不是真的。 It had just been in his head. 这只是他脑海中的幻想。 Frieza was o be found and nobody had been reduced to ice. 弗利萨消失无踪,没有人被冰封。

"Are you sure about that, Gohan? Did you not see what was in front of you, young d?" “悟饭,你确定吗?年轻人,你没有看到你面前的东西吗?”

The voice was back. 声音又回来了。 Gohan looked up, finding Frieza standing a few feet away yet again. 悟饭抬头看到弗利萨又一次站在几英尺远的地方。 After a sip of wine, he leisurely moved out of the way, allowing Gohan to see what he bad been refereng. 他悠闲地喝了一口酒,悠然地让开道路,让悟饭看到他所指的东西。 It wasn't Goku, Chi-Chi, Goten, or Arepa frozen in ice – it iccolo. 冰中被冻住的不是悟空、琪琪、悟天或阿莉帕 - 而是比克大魔王。 Uhe other four, he hadn't looked fearful. 与其他四个人不同,他看起来并没有恐惧。 Distressed, yes, but angry more than anything. 他的身体弯腰呈守势,好像他一直在对抗某种东西。

"P-Piccolo?" “比-比克洛?”

Gohan stumbled up, walking right through the image of Frieza his mind had produced. 悟饭摇摇晃晃站起来,直接穿过他脑海中出现的弗利萨的形象。 Gingerly, he reached out his arm and tapped the body. 他小心翼翼地伸出手臂,轻轻拍打着尸体。 Sure enough, he actually felt him that time. 果然,这一次他真的感觉到了他。 Cold, slippery ice; it left a trail of water on his finger. 冰冷而滑溜的冰,留下了一道水痕在他的手指上。

"Oh no…" “哦,不……”

This was real. 这是真的。 It wasn't in his head, and it wasn't the work of Frieza. 这不是他的想象,也不是弗利萨的杰作。 The id the cold weather had gotten to Piccolo. 冰和寒冷的天气影响了比克洛。

"No, no no no…." “不,不,不,不……”

He looked his body up and down, trying to figure out what the hell to do. 他审视着自己的身体,试图弄清楚该怎么办。 If he had any time to save him, it was st. 如果他有时间去救他,那就寥寥无几了。 The ice that had ensnared Piccolo was rooted in the frozen floor. 束缚住比克洛的冰根植于冰冷的地面。 With a fierce stomp from his Ki-infused foot, Gohan crushed the block of ice, then phased to the other side to finish the job. 悟饭用注入了气的脚狠狠地跺碎了冰块,然后转移到另一侧完成了任务。 He snatched Piccolo's enormous body and flew as he fast he could to the lobby. 他抓住比克洛庞大的身体,以最快的速度飞到了大厅。 Onside, he set him on the floor. 一旦进入室内,他就把比克洛放在地板上。

" Piccolo!" Gohan yelled. "加油,比克洛!"悟饭大喊道。 "Don't die on me!" “不要在我面前死去!”

Sure, he could say a lot about the grumpy bastard, but even Piccolo had believed in him. 当然,他可以说很多关于这个脾气暴躁的家伙的话,但是即使是比克洛也相信他。 For years, now, Gohan had used the votile heat of his power to indulge in his pain-suppressing vice. 多年来,悟饭一直利用他力量的不稳定热量纵容自己的痛苦压制习惯。 Now, he had to use it food. 现在,他必须将其用于善事。 A blue fme erupted from both of his palms, h above the Namekian's body. 他的两只手掌上冒出了一团蓝色的火焰,悬浮在那个纳美克星人的身体上。

The fme's heat had even singed Gohan's hands as it went to work on the ice around Piccolo. 火焰的热量甚至烧焦了悟饭的手,当它开始解冰时。 Slowly, but, surely, the shell liquified. 缓慢但肯定地,冰壳液化了。 And theer became vapors. 然后水变成了水蒸气。 Soon, Piccolo's body was free of its frigid prison, but by no means out of the woods. 不久,比克洛的身体摆脱了寒冷的监狱,但并不安全。 His skin more teal than green, he hadn't shown any sign of breath. 他的皮肤更加青绿,没有显示出任何呼吸的迹象。

Gohan had no idea how Namekian anatomy worked, but he had to save Piccolo the only way he knew how. 悟饭不知道纳美克星人的生理结构如何,但他只能用他所知道的方法来拯救比克洛。

He pressed his hands against his broad chest, trying to kickstart his breathing again. 他用手掌按在他宽阔的胸膛上,试图重新开始呼吸。

"Wake up, Piccolo... it's not over yet," Gohan pleaded. “醒醒,比克洛……还没有结束。”悟饭恳求道。“这些冰对你来说无关紧要,还记得吗?!”

He pressed down some more, but got no sign of movement. 他再用力按压,但没有任何动作的迹象。 But he wouldn't give up just because he hadn't made progress. 但他不会因为没有取得进展就放弃。 He kept pushing while yelliy es, prepared to take as long as necessary to ensure his makeshift mentor saw another day. 他不停地用力推,同时喊着空洞的鼓励话语,准备花尽一切必要的时间,确保他这个临时的导师能再活一天。 Too many people had suffered under his watch – nobody more than himself. 在他的监视下,太多人受到了伤害,没有人比他自己受的更多。 Even though Piccolo had his own self-preservation in mind, he had dedicated at least a year of his time to getting his mind right. 尽管比克洛自己也考虑到了自身的安全,但他至少花了一年时间来调整自己的心态。 Whether it worked or not, Gohan owed him his maximum effort. 无论是否成功,悟饭都要尽全力报答他。

Eventually, he heard a gravelly cough. 最终,他听到一声嘶哑的咳嗽声。

The first thing Gohan did was look around, very much aware it may have been his fractured mind produg more noise. 悟饭做的第一件事就是四处看了看,非常清楚这声音可能是他破碎的心智制造出来的更多噪音。 But the body he'd been pushing his hands against for the st few minutes fidgeted underh him. 但是他几分钟来一直用手按压的身体在他的手下微微动了一下。 When he moved his pupils to the left, he could see Piccolo's eyelids drifting upwards. 当他把视线移到左边时,他能看到比克洛的眼皮慢慢向上移动。

"Son of a…" was the first thing to e from the Namekian's mouth. “这个……混账!”这是第一个从纳美克星人嘴里说出来的词。

Gohan stumbled away. 悟饭踉跄着退开。 For the sed time, his will to see someone else live had paid off. 第二次,他希望别人活下来的意愿得到了回报。 Of all the emotions swirling around his head, relief was the stro. 在他的脑海中涌动的各种情绪中,宽慰是最强烈的。

Piccolo didn't sit up, but he did tilt his head tohan. 比克洛没有坐起来,但他把头向悟饭那边歪了歪。 A facsimile of a smirk spread across his lips. 他的嘴角浮现出一个模仿的得意微笑。

"Y-Your eyes, brat..." “你的眼睛,小子……” Gohan blinked. 悟饭眨了眨眼。 "What? What about them?" “什么?它们怎么了?” Piccolo nudged his head straight across. 比克洛直直地点了点头。 Gohan looked to the right, where a mirror stood against the wall. 悟饭看向右边,墙上放着一面镜子。 His refle seemed normal, only ohing was off – his eyes. 他的倒影看起来正常,只有一个地方不对劲 - 他的眼睛。 They weren't bck, like they usually were. 它们不像平时那样是黑色的。 Instead, they were a bone-chilling shade of gold. 相反,它们是一种冰冷至骨的金色。

"What the hell... “到底是怎么回事……

"Th-That's how they always look…in that crazy form." “那就是它们在那种疯狂形态下一直是这样的……”

Gohan stood up in a trance, his eyes glued to his refle. 悟饭陷入了恍惚状态,他的目光紧盯着自己的倒影。 This was what he looked like? This was what Vegeta thought was going to finally kill him? This was the face Lapis saw before his demise? 这就是他的模样吗?这就是贝吉塔认为最终会杀死他的样子吗?这就是莱皮斯在死前看到的面孔吗?

The face that Gohan could now actually see? 悟饭现在真正能看到的这张脸?

He turned back around, just to ehat Piccolo was still alive. 他转过身去,只是为了确保比克洛仍然活着。 The Namekian was sitting up now, though still overall worse for wear. 纳美克星人现在坐了起来,尽管整体上仍然状态不佳。 He appeared exhausted and gaunt, noaler shade of green. 他看起来筋疲力尽,消瘦不堪,现在的绿色变得更苍白。 But he hadn't died at the hands of Gohan's cataclysmic power; quite the opposite. 但他没有死在悟饭毁灭性的力量之下,恰恰相反。

"How does it feel, kid?" Piccolo asked between coughs. “感觉如何,小子?”比克洛在咳嗽间问道。

"That power." “那种力量。”

Gohan stared at each palm. 悟饭凝视着他的每一只手掌。

For the first time, he could sciously feel the force of his hidden power within his veins, no longer beholden to his subscie. 第一次,他能有意识地感受到自己血脉中隐藏的力量,不再受制于他的潜意识愤怒。

He could see everything around him clearly, knowing what was real, and what wasn't. 他可以清晰地看到周围的一切,知道什么是真实的,什么不是。

The visions that haunted him; none of them had ever been real. 困扰着他的幻象;它们中没有一个是真实的。

If he kept a hold of himself a his focus on his goal, they never would be. 如果他能控制住自己,并专注于目标,它们永远不会成为现实。

And even if they did – Piccolo roof that it wasn't the end. 而即使它们成为现实 - 比克洛就是证明,这并不是终点。

"It's incredible." “太不可思议了。”

This was the power that could defeat Frieza at st. 这就是最终可以击败弗利萨的力量。 The terrible, destructive nature of the Saiyan race - only Gohan would wield it food. 赛亚人种族可怕而具有毁灭性的本质 - 只有悟饭会将其用于善行。 To rid the universe of its lowest filth. 清除宇宙中最卑劣的污秽。

The fourteen-year-old half-Saiyan turo Piccolo, a stare of utmost determination painting his fato a majestic portrait. 这位十四岁的半赛亚人转向比克洛,满脸坚决的目光让他的面容变得庄严而壮丽。 Even Piccolo was reduced to aruck gasp. 甚至比克洛也被吓得屏住了呼吸。

"I'm Son Gohan. And I'm the Saiyan that's gonna kill Frieza." “我是孙悟饭。 我就是那个要杀掉弗利萨的赛亚人。”

For a few moments, Piccolo did nothing but blink. 片刻间,比克洛什么也没做,只是眨了眨眼睛。 Eventually, he stood back up, though his movements were bored. 最终,他重新站起来,尽管动作有些吃力。 His proud smirk, however, had nothing but power behind it. 然而,他自豪的傻笑中蕴含的只有力量。

"About damn time, runt." “该死的时间到了,小子。”

With a heavy swallow, Piccolo ejected the four-star Dragon Ball from his mouth, pced it in hands, a down on the floor. Piccolo用力咽了口唾液,将四星龙珠从嘴里吐出来,放在手中,然后放在地板上。

"It's all yours." “都是你的了。”

Gohan just stood there with a grimace, long enough that even Piccolo's face torted awkwardly. 悟饭一直站在那里,面带苦笑,时间足够长,以至于连比克洛的脸也扭曲得尴尬。

"Well? That's what you did all this fht?" “那么?这就是你为之付出的一切,对吗?”

"I'm not pig that shit up," Gohan whined, squirming at the green slime coating the Dragon Ball. “我可不想捡那个破玩意,”悟饭抱怨道,他在包裹着龙珠的绿色粘液上蠕动着。

After an annoyed grunt and a few curses about brats and humans, Piccolo fired a beam from his ante Gohan's hands. 在一声恼怒的嘟囔和一些关于顽童和人类的咒骂后,比克洛从触角中发射出一道光束,照在悟饭的手上。 A rubber glove formed around one, and a of sanitizing rags iher. 一个橡胶手套形成在一只手上,另一只手则拿着一罐消毒抹布。 Gohan looked up at the easily annoyed Namekian and smirked. 悟饭抬头看着容易生气的纳美克星人,咧嘴笑了笑。

"Yeah, that'll work." “嗯,这样就行了。”

Gohan stood ier of the lookout, with God, Mr. Popo, Piccolo, and the Earthling warriors behind him. 悟饭站在神殿的中央,身后是神、波波先生、比克洛和地球战士们。

He had a fresh outfit on, finally ba the outside world after he and Piccolo spent an additional month training nonstop. 他身着一身崭新的服装,与比克洛一起连续训练了一个月后,终于回到了外界。

In his estimation, he was more than ready for Frieza, but that was no reason to sck. 在他的估计中,他已经准备好迎战弗利萨了,但这并不是懈怠的理由。

Physical training had not been his reason for stepping ihe Time Chamber – there were seven reasons, in fact, and they rested oiles beh his feet, glowing bright yellow. 他进入时间室并不是为了进行身体训练 - 实际上,有七个原因,它们就躺在他脚下的瓷砖上,闪烁着明亮的黄光。

Determination hardened Gohan's face as he looked down at the seven Dragon Balls. 当悟饭俯视着七颗龙珠时,决心在他脸上显露无疑。

This was it – what he had worked aire year for, even if it didn't register to those in the regur world. 这就是他为之努力了整整一年的目标,即使对于普通世界的人来说,这可能并不为人所知。

It wasn't just light pulsing from the balls – it was the lives of all those lost at his hands. 这不仅仅是珠子发出的光芒 - 它是所有在他手中失去生命的人的生命。

God strolled o Gohan. 神漫步到悟饭旁边。 "I'll do the honors." “我将进行仪式。”

The man who created the Dragon Balls spread his arms above them. 那个创造龙珠的人伸开双臂,悬浮在它们的上方。

"e forth, Shenron, and grant me my wish!" “出现吧,神龙,实现我的愿望!”

The sky became bck, like Earth went a full orbit in a matter of seds. 天空变得黑暗,仿佛地球在几秒钟内完成了一次完整的轨道。

The Dragon Balls sparked with electricity, until a power stream of light burst all the way into the clouds. 龙珠闪耀着电光,直到一股强大的光芒涌向云层。

Gohan had seen many a light dispy in his lifetime, but this ritual possessed a mysticism that captivated his young eyes. 悟饭在他的一生中见过许多光的表演,但这个仪式具有一种迷幻的魅力,吸引着他年轻的双眼。

The light gradually took on the shape of a serpent that seemingly spahe entire width of the sky itself. 光芒逐渐变成一条蛇的形状,似乎横跨整个天空的宽度。

His heart raced with anticipation as the light faded into a solid shape. 随着光芒渐渐变成实体的形状,他的心情充满了期待。

A booming growl reverberated through the atmosphere, its frequencies felt from Gohan's feet all the way to his eyes. 一声轰鸣回荡在大气中,频率从悟饭的脚到眼睛都能感受到。

The light faded into an enormous, green dragon, with brown horns emanating from its scaly head and eyes as red as the nine years of blood on Gohan's hands. 光芒消散后,一个巨大的绿色巨龙出现了,它的鳞头上有棕色的角,眼睛鲜红如悟饭手上的九年血渍。

For most of his life, he thought an angry Frieza was the most fearsome sight he would ever y eyes upon; looking at this Dragon that reduced him and the others to mere ants, he may have been wrong. 在他的大部分人生中,他以为愤怒的弗利萨是他曾经见过的最可怕的景象;但看着这条让他和其他人变得渺小的巨龙,他可能错了。


That emphatic voice – it was the exact same ohat had spoken into Gohan's mind all those years earlier to be him back to this very p. 那种强烈的声音 - 它与多年前对悟饭的心灵呼唤完全相同,召唤他回到这个星球。

He had rejected it for a life of murder – and now he was back to correct that mistake. 他曾经拒绝了它,选择了杀戮的生活 - 现在他回来纠正那个错误。

"I believe that's your cue, Gohan," God said, stepping away. “我想那是你的提示,悟饭,”神说着,退后了一步。

In the face of the massive apparition before him, Gohan almost had trouble even remembering how to speak. 面对眼前庞大的幻象,悟饭几乎忘记了如何开口说话。

The wish was simple – bring back everyohat he had been killed retly. 愿望很简单 - 把最近被杀的人都复活。

But in the moment, it felt…ie. 但在那一刻,它感觉…不完整。

"Maybe ime we see each other, you won't be in that armor…" "也许下次我们见面时,你不会穿着那套盔甲……"

Kobe…the st time Gohan saw him, he had tried to make him uand the folly of surrendering to Frieza's genocidal orders. 科比……悟饭最后一次见到他时,他试图让他明白屈服于弗利萨种族灭绝命令的愚蠢。

The paradox that was Gohan's mind, his foolish determination to be both Frieza's murderer and his sve, had ultimately resulted in the death of Kobe, P Mamba, and trillions others before them. 悟饭心中的悖论,他愚蠢的决心既要成为弗利萨的杀手,又要成为他的奴隶,最终导致了科比、曼巴星和数万亿人的死亡。

He couldn't just stop at Earth – he had to fix everything. 他不能仅仅止步于地球 - 他必须修复一切。

"I…I have one question," Gohan called through a dry throat. “我……我有一个问题,”悟饭嗓子发干地说道。

"If I asked you t back everyone who's been killed by somebody who's worked for the Frieza Force at some point in their lives, it would include the victims of people who aren't members nht?" “如果我让你把每一个被曾经为弗利萨军团工作的人杀死的人都复活,那将包括那些现在不再是成员的人的受害者,对吗?”


With a small smile, Gohan nodded. 微笑着,悟饭点了点头。

"HOWEVER…" “不过……”

Gohan held his breath... 悟饭屏住呼吸……


Though Gohan frowned, he released his breath in relief. 虽然悟饭皱起了眉头,但他松了口气。

It wasn't the worst catch, and P Mamba fell within that anyway. 这不是最糟糕的限制,曼巴星也在这个范围之内。

It wasn't a total fix, but it would bring ba innumerable amount of stolen lives. 虽然不能完全解决问题,但它将使无数被夺去的生命重生。

"Alright, well that's my wish, then! Bring back everyone who's been killed by a past or former member of the Frieza Force" Gohan yelled. “好吧,那就是我的愿望!复活所有被曾经或以前的弗利萨军团成员杀害的人!”悟饭大喊道。

A few seds ter, ara provisioed his mind, making him swing his arms up in a frenzy. 几秒钟后,额外的规定引起了他的注意,使他手忙脚乱地挥动手臂。

"Uhey're evil or their p was destroyed!" “除非他们是邪恶的,或者他们的星球被摧毁!”

"IT SHALL BE DONE." “这将会实现。”

Gohan firmly nodded, wiping off his damp forehead. 悟饭坚定地点了点头,擦去湿润的额头。

He was almost worried all those provisions would end up tantamount to multiple wishes. 他几乎担心所有这些规定最终会相当于多个愿望。

Excluding the evil ones would keep all of the colteral Frieza Force members like Zarbon and Dodoria dead, too. 不包括邪恶的人将使扎波恩和多多利亚等所有弗利萨军团的附带成员也保持死亡。

Unfortunately, Raditz and Nappa wouldn't be spared, either – but Gohan got the feeling they were at peace with their honorable deaths. 不幸的是,拉迪茨和纳帕也不会幸免 - 但是悟饭感觉他们对自己光荣的死亡感到安心。

Shenron's red eyes glowed, while his voice grumbled as if p up. 神龙的红色眼睛闪烁,他的声音咕噜咕噜地响起,好像正在充能。

Gohan focused his Ki seowards West City, too eager to simply wait for the dragon to do its job. 悟饭集中精神感知西都,他迫不及待地等待着神龙完成他的任务。

His foot eagerly tapped the floor as he shut his eyes. 他热切地在地板上踏着脚,闭上了眼睛。

The equivalent of a lightning bolt struck Gohan's mind, nearly knog him over. 相当于一道闪电击中了悟饭的脑海,几乎把他击倒。

He felt it – thousands of Ki signatures popping up near Bulma aa. 他感受到了——成千上万的气息在布尔玛和贝吉塔附近冒了出来。

Gohan couldn't resist the genuine smile that hit him. 悟饭情不自禁地露出了真诚的微笑。


The divine dragon evaporated into light, while the Dragon Balls levitated into the sky and scattered in all dires like a series of shooting stars. 神龙化作光芒消散,而龙珠则悬浮在天空中,像一连串的流星般四散而去。

Gohan gazed upon the sky. The pitch-bck had bee blue once more, if not a little brighter than it had been before the summoning. He squinted like the extra focus would allow him to see P Mamba springing back to life. 悟饭凝视着天空。深黑色重新变成了蓝色,如果不比召唤前更明亮的话。他眯起眼睛,好像额外的专注力能让他看到曼巴星重新苏醒。

A rge hand pressed against Gohan's shoulder. He looked up as the more saintly, elderly version of Piiled down at him. "Excellent work, my boy. A mhteous idea to expand the scope of your wish." 一只大手按在悟饭的肩膀上。他抬头看着更加圣洁、年长的纽扣岭微笑着对他说道:“干得好,小子。扩大你的愿望范围是一个最正义的主意。”

Looking straight ahead, Gohan thought about not just Lapis, but Kobe. All he could feel was joy at their revival. 目不转睛地望着前方,悟饭想到的不仅是莱皮斯,还有科比。 他所能感受到的只有他们复活所带来的喜悦。

"I do wohough," God mused, tapping his wooden staff. "The implication of such a wish; surely the ps of many of those victims would now be under Frieza's subjugation, would they not?" “不过,我倒是很好奇,”神思考着,敲击着他的木杖。 “这个愿望的影响如何呢?那些受害者所在的许多星球现在肯定会处在弗利萨的统治之下,不是吗?”

At that, Gohan frowhe rger scale wish had been an impulse decision, after all. But he decided to look at the bright side for once. 听到这个,悟饭皱起了眉头;毕竟,更大规模的愿望只是一时冲动的决定。 但他决定从积极的一面来看待。

"That's a good point, but I think it might give Frieza more trouble than anything," Gohan replied. "A lot of those guys were strong in their ht and if they're pissed enough, they stage some uprisings. He's about to have gaxies' worth of ps after him, and he's pretty zy. Besides…" “这是个好观点,但我认为这可能给弗利萨带来更多麻烦,”悟饭回答道。 “其中很多人在他们自己的领域里都很强大,如果他们足够愤怒,他们可以发起一些起义。 他即将拥有整个星系的星球追捧他,而他非常懒惰。 而且…”

Gohan dug his pocket open and smirked at his blue scouter. "I know a couple of people who figure out how tahat. " 悟饭打开口袋,对着他的蓝色侦测器咧嘴笑了起来。 “我认识几个人,他们可以想办法组织起来。”

The other human warriors joined Gohan and God, Krillin standing out in front with a proud smile on his face. Gohan looked back at him, thinking about the day they had first met. 其他人类战士加入了悟饭和神,克林站在前面,脸上带着自豪的笑容。 悟饭回过头看着他,想起他们初次相遇的那一天。

"You did a good thing, Gohan," Krillin said. "I'm sure Lazuli will be grateful. " “你做得很好,悟饭,”克林说道。 “我相信拉祖利会感激你。”

Lazuli had told Gohan to get everything sorted out, or else his past as truly would define him. Piccolo had more or less forced that to happen. While Gohan still was uo exoe himself for everything he had done – and he doubted he ever would – he could at least go more than a mihout it weighing on him. 拉祖利告诉悟饭要把一切都整理好,否则他过去的行为将真正定义他。 纽扣岭或多或少地迫使这一切发生。 尽管悟饭仍然无法为自己所做的一切开脱罪责,而且他怀疑自己永远也无法做到,但他至少可以在一分钟内不为此感到沉重。

A tear came to Gohan's eye as he looked down at the Earth's vast skies below the lookout. For o wasn't a cry of sadness. 当悟饭俯视着神殿下面广阔的大地天空时,眼泪涌上了他的眼眶。 这一次,它不是悲伤的哭泣。

Piarched towards him, rudely barreling through the others with a snort of disgust. "Personally, I wretowing that a bunch of vermin have been regurgitated onto this dump. " 纽扣岭径直走向他,粗鲁地从其他人身边冲过去,嗤之以鼻地说道。 “就我个人而言,我对于知道一群害虫被吐在这个垃圾场上感到恶心。”

As he wiped away his tear, Gohan smiled disbelievingly. "Sure…" 悟饭擦去眼泪,不可置信地微笑着。 “当然……”

The Saiyan in purple and the Namekian in purple walked to the edge of the lookout, the wind blowing a strong current into their faces. They stood there for a few moments, letting the gusts occupy their ears. 身穿紫色服装的赛亚人和纽克斯人走到神殿的边缘,风吹拂着他们的脸庞。 他们在那里停留了几分钟,让风声充满他们的耳朵。

"Give Lapis my regards," Piuttered. “请代我向拉祖利问好,”纽扣岭喃喃自语。
