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久久小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第6章 大结局6

第6章 大结局6(1/1)

"Prepare to die!" he roared from his deepened voice before a shell slid over his mouth like a mask.


Though Cooler's transformation impressed Gohan, it didn't intimidate him o.


The two superpowers met in a mid-air csh, their fists produg a shockwave that nearly leveled every house in the vilge.


They fought in a flurry indecipherable to Saiyan or Namekian eyes.


Cooler he first strike, appearing behind Gohan and viciously kig his spine.


The Super Saiyan easily shook it off and got Cht back with a punch to the face that sent him into the field.


When he plunged down to follow up, Cooler had already recovered and leveled him with a mere swipe of his forearm.


As soon as Gohan sprung back up, he and Ced a few heavy blows until the beast tried bsting his face off.


He swiped it away, but in doing so left himself wide open and took a fist to his gut for his troubles.


Cooler took advantage of their height differend yanked Gohan by the strands of his golden hair so hard he thought it might all rip from his scalp, smming his foot into his chest.


Cooler pulled his arm back to deliver the possible knockout blow, but Gohan caught it with his palm at the st sed.


With his other hand, he burned Cooler's face with a Ki bst and freed himself of the hold.


His attempt at a head-rattling kick wound up in Cooler's iron-tight grip, however, and he found himself plunging towards the ground after being flung like a pstic doll.


Dust exploded around Gohan when he nded, and a purple torpedo came rushing down soon after.


He was too busy reeling from the hit and blog out the buzzing sound from his ear to notice him ing until a pair of scaly, purple legs smashed the air out of his chest.


A cry of pain came with it – it felt like the stro stone in the universe had dropped on him.


Cooler stepped away from Gohan and snickered.


As Gohan coughed on the ground, a small chuckle left his lips that caught Cooler's attention.


"I-I k…!"


"Knew what, boy?!"


"You don't hit much harder than Frieza, really," Gohan wheezed as he stumbled back up.

"Your new form's more energy-effit than Frieza's full power, but that's it.

If I'm a ten and Frieza's a seven, you're like a 7.

No wonder you needed me to kill him for you.




3?! Is that what you say?!" Cooler shouted.

With his mouth no longer visible, Gohan could only picture the petunt scowl on the elder lizard's face.

After charging his Ki up, he swung his arms back.

"Try this!"


A purple Ki bst left his hands, but Gohan only needed his right hand to extinguish it.


A half-sed ter, Gohan doubled him over with a punch to his gut and kicked him across the faeasure.


As Cooler soared across the sky, Gohan showered him with Ki bsts that exploded all over his skin, then phased in front of him and smmed both fists into his spiky skull to send exploding into the ground.


Cooler bsted off from the crater with a furious roar, but Goha him shoulder-first in mid-air.


Gohan struck him in the ribs as he staggered away, though his follow-up shot only nded his heavy, violet palm.


The transformed lizard tugged the Super Saiyan into a punch to his jaw, ughing as he flew back.


But when he phased behind him and tried kig him across his siderably smaller back, his leg literally went through him thanks to the trusty after-image teique.


"Toy with me, will you?!" Crowled.


And toy with him, Gohan did, startling Cooler when his face rematerialized upside down directly in front of his with a maddening smirk.


Before Cooler could attack again, Gohan flipped back to a proper position with his back towards him and elbowed his gut.


A sed elbow to the top of his head sent the beast right back to the field.


Gohan nded a few moments ter, waiting for Cooler to get back up.


He khe fight was far from over, but knew just as well that he was in the driver's seat.


All he o do was wear him down.


After Cooler stood back up, he cracked his ned crouched into a fighting stance.


"I wouldn't be cocky if I were you, Super Saiyan.


I bet Frieza was throwing one of his little temper tantrums at this same point – but that's where we differ.


"We'll see, I guess," Gohan said before assuming his father's signature stance.


They dove at each other once more, Cooler imposing with his size.


They went bad forth with attacks, eading a bone g strike; but for all Cooler had in strength, Gohan had a clear edge in speed and was just pin stronger anyway.


Every punch, every kick, every bst he took from the tyrant, he shook off; the same couldn't be said for Cooler.


And the lohey fought, the greater Gohan's focus grew.


This wasn't like Frieza – he harbored no real hatred towards Cooler, and if anything, he actually did feel just a little bit grateful for his shenanigans, even if they weren't really for his sake.


But it was kill or be killed, and with no desire to humiliate Cooler, he k was time to things up.


Weilding his superior speed, Gohan phased through one of Cooler's punches, and with his superior strength broke at least two of Cooler's ribs with a kick to his side.


Cooler fell from the sky squeezing his stomad coughing through his little mask.


"H-How…?!" Cooler shrieked.


"How?" Gohan asked after floating down to his level.


"This is what you wanted, right? Guess you ed on me being to for you, either.


Cooler let his bnk, red gaze linger on Gohan for a few moments befhing.


"Oh, really now? Let's see if you're to for this!"


In no time at all, Cooler fired a massive bst – that flew right past Gohan's shoulder.


Gohan swung around and gasped when he realized the mass of Ki was heading right for his father and the Namekians.


In just two seds, Gohan had to deduce the following: his father was trying to tank it with a Kaio-Ken, his father wasn't anywhere near strong to pull that off, and iime it would have taken himself to a gather Ki and fire a bst that could evaporate Cooler's, they would have been dead.


And so, Gohan jumped in the eed and took the brunt of it himself, only shielding himself with his ht arm.


A huge explosioed from the impact, making Goku and the Namekians flee to the grass.


In the wake of the smoke, Gohan y on the ground with the right sleeve of his suit burned away and exposing his wounded, blood-soaked arm.


To make it through that atta one piece, Gohan had sacrificed his arm and paid dearly, pain the tip of his middle fio his fractured shoulder.


He staggered his way back up with the limb dangling by his side and a scowl firm on his lips for the tyrant up above.


Cooler's attitude may have been different, but underh it all, he was no different from brother.


A spineless coward – only his trick worked.


Proud of his work, Cooler folded his arms with renewed bluster.


"Well would you look at that! The Super Saiyan has been wounded!"


"That was a real a punk-ass move," Gohan snarled as Cooler desded to the grass.


"That was a real punk-ass move," Gohan snarled as Cooler desded to the grass. "那真是个混蛋的动作," Gohan咆哮道,当Cooler降落到草地上时。

"Instead of critiquing my strategy, maybe you should focus ohe treacherous waters," Cooler drawled, stalking tohahodically. "与其批评我的策略,你或许应该专注于逃离那危险的水域," Cooler慢吞吞地说着,有条不紊地向Gohan靠近。

"You don't want to be near a shark that smells blood, do you?" "你不想接近一只嗅到血腥气味的鲨鱼,对吧?"

Injured, but defiant, Gohan bsted the grass beh Cooler's feat and leaped backwards away from him.


As soon as he got a good distance, Cooler popped up to his right.


"Too slow!"


The sadistic lizard smmed his leg into Gohan's injured arm, adding more cracks to bohat had already been broken.


Gohan crumbled onto his knees screaming in agony, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried his best to block out the feeling of his arm tenuously hanging from its socket.


Cooler lived up to his self-analogue and circled around Gohan while his tail waved bad forth in anticipation.


He came to a stop, letting his dark shadow cast ohan's body before he ruthlessly smmed his foot on his arm.


Hearing the sound of his bones and tendons pop, Gohan gnawed against his teeth and banged his good hand against the ground in the only way he ko resist the pain.


Cooler didn't move his foot, keeping the pressure going until Gohan's Super Saiyan power left him.


"Not bad for a 7.

3, huh?" Cooler taunted.


"And where did the Super Saiyan go?"


Cooler stopped and lifted his forearm just in time to absorb the punch of a fist engulfed in red aura.


Goku had jumped in to rescue his son, but his power was barely even a fra of Cooler's.


One single ko his chest left him sailing hundreds of feet away and smag into the grass.


"Calm down, full-blood. I'm not going to kill your little brat," Cooler said as his body shrunk in size and the pitch of his voice rose an octave in his return to his natural state.


"He has a greater purpose, you see. Neiz!"

Cooler's toad-like assistant dropped to the grass with the rest of the soldiers.


"Yes, sire?"

"You have the energy-abs cuffs I told you t along, right?"

Neiz nodded and dug a pair out from underh his armor.





Through his gzed-over vision, Gohan could only watch as Cooler caught the cuffs with one hand and looked down at him with a devious smirk.


"You see, I expected you two to show up here after Ginyu's little factoid. I'm far more thh than my brother."


Cooler flipped Gohan onto his stomach with a kid encased his hands in the cuffs, sapping what little was left of his power.


"I ook Saiyans for the selfless types, but I heard stories of the more benevolent, soft-hearted half-breed from Vegeta's crew. I guess whatever lessoa taught you about bonds and how they be leveraged against you never quite took, eh?"


Hooking his arm around Gohan's, he lifted him up and forced him to look him right in his slithery eyes.


"Rejoice, my boy. You're about to bee part of something illustrious.

