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久久小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第16章 决战16

第16章 决战16(1/1)

And from the kit, the strong smell of rice boiling, with a couple of seasonings spig up the st, traveled to his nostrils. 从厨房传来了米饭煮沸的浓郁气味,几种调味品使香气更加诱人,飘入他的鼻腔。

He sighed with delight. 他满心欢喜地叹了口气。

Like Arepa once said – you had to put some sizzle on it. 就像阿瑞帕曾经说的 - 你得加点火力。

He squeezed his facial muscles and his eyes, trying to stop himself. 但他用力皱起眉头,闭紧双眼,试图控制自己。

But his tears broke through the dam. 然而,他的眼泪冲破了阻碍。

This was truly home, like he had never left. 这才是真正的家,就像他从未离开过一样。

The boy covered his eyes, weary of embarrassing himself as his feelings rolled down his cheeks. 男孩捂住双眼,担心自己因为情感泛滥而出丑。

Goku returned from the kit. 悟空从厨房回来了。

"Just waitin' on you, Go-" "只等你了,悟-"

The proud father stopped to smile graciously at his son. 这位自豪的父亲停下来,亲切地对儿子微笑。

As Gohan tinued sobbing, Goku walked over and grabbed his shoulder with his firm hand. 当悟飯继续抽泣时,悟空走过去,用有力的手抓住他的肩膀。

Gohan pulled his hands away from his face to look up at him, fshing back to one of the many days he spent in the living room as a child. 悟飯把手从脸上拿开,抬头看着他,回想起他小时候在客厅度过的一天。

"Wele home," Goku said. "欢迎回家,"悟空说道。

About an hour ter, for the first time ever, the entire family sat down at a table covered in ptes of expertly prepared meat aables. 大约一个小时后,整个家庭第一次坐在铺满精心准备的肉和蔬菜的餐桌旁。

On one side sat the parents, Goku and Chi-Chi. 一侧坐着父母,悟空和琪琪。

And oher, sat Gohan and his little broten. 另一侧坐着悟飯和他的小弟弟,悟天。

The pint-sized e of Goku had been sitting in a high chair and talking Gohan's ear off. 这个缩小版的悟空一直坐在高椅上,不停地和悟飯聊个不停。

"You were really in space?!"


"Were there stars?!"


"Were there aliens?!"


" you talk alien?"


"Do you have a UFO?!"


Things of that nature.


Gohan had given up trying to answer, w if he had been as hyperactive and inquisitive at that age.


The more he bthered, the strohan's motivation grew. He had to fight so this kid could stay exactly that – a kid. He wouldn't have to live in a universe overshadowed by Frieza, where his Saiyan blood would eventually force him to fight a geional war.


Laughing, Goku reached out to grab a piece of fish, but Chi-Chi spped his hand. "Hold it, Goku. We ain't said grace yet!"


Goku whined, his face eager to dig into all of the food in front of him. "Aw, , we literally know God! He doesn't care if we thank him for the food!"


Chi-Chi rolled her eyes. "Well, what about the other deities, then?"


"King Kai hates it whe everything up."


Utterly exasperated, Chi-Chi looked straight ahead at her eldest son. "Y'see this, Gohan? Day after day o' this. It's like I'm raisin' two kids."


Gohan ughed, though he k was a fool's battle to get between a Saiyan and their food. He was eager to eat, himself. Ba P Mamba, he had said he didn't deserve a home-cooked meal. Even now, he still wasn't sure – but he wasn't going to worry about that. He was just going to enjoy it.


"Now, boys…" Chi-Chi directed with a stern and that stiffened even Goku's posture. He gave Goten a bargaining nod, and then csped his hands together. Goten did the same. "I humbly accept this meal," they both said.


Ae only knowing him as he was for a few days now, Chi-Chi looked at Gohaly, and with warning.


Relieved or not, she damn sure expected him to respect the household, and Gohan would oblige or else hell awaited him.


He csped his hands together, marveling at all of the food that had been delicately prepared for his liking, from the mother he had been separated from to fight a destined battle. "I humbly accept this meal."


About thirty mier, Gohan and Goku were both limping out of the house, overstuffed with food.


Never in his life had Gohan ever overindulged in such a way, but like most things with Goku, it became a petition.


If his father could knock dote, then so could he. Though sure he was going tret this ihroom ter, he e heless.


"Nothin' like home cookin', huh?" Goku groggily asked.


"Yeah," Gohan replied, clutg his stomach. "I'll be headin' to the lookout soon, so good luck talkia down. It was great to see you back here."


Gohan he feeling being more than mutual.

悟饭点了点头,这种感觉是相互的。After ing his neck, Gohan prepared to fly away, until he felt a presence approag.


The leaves shaking and footsteps rumbled in his ear, and the steps didn't belong to an animal. It sounds more like a pair of boots.


After a go his left, his jaw dropped. "Lapis!"


He was back, standing nearby amongst the trees aing a deer's head. He turned away to look at Gohan, an unreadable expression in his bnk eyes.


Goku stepped back while Gohan swallowed heavily, uo pry his vision away from the hole in the middle of Lapis' shirt.


It was a reminder of why he had gh all the trouble he had to get the Dragon Balls. A gust of wi in, jostling their hair bad forth while Gohan wondered what was about to happen.


His sister had explosively reacted to Gohahe murder; he didn't expey different from the actual victim, regardless of their uanding.


Whatever was in store, though, Gohan would face it head on. Lapis took a few steps forward, closing the gap until only a few feet stood betweewo. Every muscle in Gohan's body tightened with unyielding tension.


Lapis' gaze wouldn't let up as Gohan searched for the right words to say. A cliché apology wouldn't cut it. Lapis opened his mouth first, however.

拉皮斯的目光没有停歇,悟饭寻找着恰当的话语。陈词滥调的道歉并不能解决问题。然而,拉皮斯先开了口。"You ruined my favorite shirt."


Having been granted fiveness he wasn't even sure he deserved, Gohao West City with a weight lifted off his shoulders.


He was sure Lazuli was eted to see Lapis turn back up at Roshi's isnd. Now, all he need worry about was whether or not Vegeta would be receptive to a year with Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.


Like everyone usually did, Gohaered the pound through Bulma's baly, surprised that the door had beeroyed.


He could sense Vegeta's Ki downstairs, surprised to feel it under duress like in the middle of a training sessiohough he wasn't in the spaceship.


After the long walk downstairs, Gohan reached the door to Bulma's boratory, where he sensed her in there, too.


Now it made sense why Vegeta's Ki was strained – probably yelling at her about the gravity settings.


Gohan knocked on the door a couple of times, but got no response. So he walked to the keypad by the door, having figured out how to hack it after a few break-ins.


As he input a few things, he overheard a rumbling from the other side of the door, and even voices.


"Call me a vulgar fug succubus again!"


"Vulgar…succubus…demon wench!"


"Yeah, that's right, you fug bad man!" (是的,没错,你这个该死的坏蛋!)

The half-Saiyan smirked. (半个赛亚人得意地笑了笑。) Of course those two were at each other's throats. (当然,那两个人总是争吵个不停。) He could have been away for a legitimate year, and that wouldn't have ged. (哪怕他离开了一整年,情况也不会有所改变。) Following a push of a button, the door slid open. (按下一个按钮,门滑开了。)

What Gohan saw in the b made him wish he had just given up after knog. (戈汉在实验室里看到的让他希望自己在敲门后就放弃了。)

Bulma aa were on a desk. (布尔玛和贝吉塔在一张桌子上。) Bulma had one hand pressed against Vegeta's neck while the other had spped him in the face just as the door slid open. (布尔玛一只手按在贝吉塔的脖子上,另一只手在门滑开时抽了他一巴掌。) Vegeta had been under her, lying with his ba the desk. (贝吉塔则躺在桌子上,背靠着桌面。) Vegeta had one hand lightly grasped around her neck. (贝吉塔的一只手轻轻抓住她的脖子。) her looked angry. (两人看起来都不生气。) In fact, they had both been staring at each other with unhinged, psychotic smiles. (事实上,他们两人一直用着疯狂的笑容盯着对方。)

From the waist up, it looked like they were fighting. (从腰部以上看,他们看起来像是在争吵。) From the waist down, it was disgustingly clear that they were not fighting, but rather…another verb that started with the letter f. (从腰部以下看,令人厌恶地清楚他们并不是在争吵,而是……另一个以字母f开头的动词。)

All of the pleasure drained from their faces when they realized Gohan was looking right at them. (当他们意识到戈汉正在盯着他们看时,他们脸上的所有愉悦都消失了。) The teenager could not pry his eyes away from them even though he wao even more than killing Frieza. (即使他比杀死弗利萨还想把目光从他们身上移开,但这位十几岁的少年还是无法撇开他们的眼睛。)

Every k of food he had enged himself with minutes earlier rose back up to his throat. (他刚才狼吞虎咽的每一口食物都涌上喉咙。)

He could ent on the se with only one expression. (面对这一幕,他只能用一个表情来评论。)

"E!" ("呸!")

Vegeta shoved Bulma off of his body and scrambled to pull his tights up. (贝吉塔将布尔玛从自己身上推开,然后急忙拉起自己的紧身裤。) With his sheer strength, however, he wound up tossing her off the desk entirely and her body smacked the floor with a loud thud. (然而,凭借他的强大力量,他却将她整个人从桌子上扔了下去,她的身体发出巨大的撞击声。) Gohan desperately looked away while Bulma stood up, gring at Vegeta and not b to put her pants ba. (戈汉拼命地别过头,而布尔玛则站了起来,怒视着贝吉塔,也懒得穿回裤子。) His disgust overriding his teenage urges, Gohan spped his hand over his eyes. (他厌恶的感觉压倒了他作为十几岁少年的冲动,戈汉一把手捂住了自己的眼睛。)

"Vegeta, you dick! Do I look like a blow-up doll to you?!" Bulma yelled, sounding like she'd just ran a few ps. ("贝吉塔,你这个混蛋!我看起来像充气娃娃吗?!"布尔玛大声喊道,听起来像是刚刚跑了几圈。)

"Bloomers!" Vegeta yelled. ("衬裤!"贝吉塔大喊一声。)

"That is not my name!" ("那不是我的名字!")

"YOUR BLOOMERS!" ("你的衬裤!")

"Motherfu-!" ("该死的-!")

"I'm saying put your damn bloomers on, idiot!" ("我是说给我穿上该死的衬裤,白痴!")

"...Oh." ("...哦。")

After waiting a few moments until he was sure it was safe, Gohan lowered his hand, but still couldn't bring himself to turn towards them without unseeing…that. (在等待了几分钟,确保安全之后,戈汉放下了手,但他仍然无法转身面对他们,无法忘记...那个场景。)

Vegeta broke the uneasy sileh a clearing of his throat, and then Bulma rushed to Gohan and put her hand on his shoulder. (贝吉塔清了清嗓子打破了尴尬的沉默,然后布尔玛冲到戈汉身边,把手放在他的肩膀上。)

Gohan flung his arm away like her hand was covered in toxic waste, and Bulma flinched once she realized her error. (戈汉猛地甩开了手臂,好像她的手被有毒废物覆盖着一样,布尔玛意识到自己的错误后畏缩了一下。)

She nervously twiddled her thumbs. "Okay, so I know you probably never got the talk, but what you saw was two senting adults-" (她紧张地拧动着拇指。“好吧,我知道你可能从来没有接受过这方面的教育,但你看到的是两个自愿的成年人-”)

"Shut the fuck up!" both Gohan aa screamed. ("闭嘴!"戈汉和贝吉塔同时喊道。)

"'Kay!" ("好的!")

Bulma slid back with a nervous ugh and rushed out of the room. (布尔玛紧张地笑着后退,匆匆离开了房间。)

Now all alone, Gohan aa tinued avoidiact. (现在他们两个人独自一人,戈汉和贝吉塔继续避免眼神交流。)

From the occasional gnce, Gohan could see red marks all aroua's face; what the hell were they doing? Actually, he didn't want to know. (从偶尔的瞥视中,戈汉可以看到贝吉塔脸上到处都是红印;他们到底在干什么?实际上,他不想知道。)

But, figuring he would have to say somethiually, Gohan turned his red face towards him. (但是,他知道自己最终必须说点什么,戈汉把脸转向贝吉塔。)

"What the fuck, dude?" ("搞什么鬼,伙计?")

With a roll of the eyes, Vegeta defensively folded his arms. (Vegeta翻了个白眼,防守地叉起双臂。)

"Don't act like you haven't seen me do worse." (“别假装你没看见我做过更糟的事情。”)

Okay sure, that might have been true. But he never saw him do that. (好吧,可能是真的。 但他从未见过他这么做过。)

"And haven't you heard of knog?" (“你难道没听说过敲门吗?”)

"I did," Gohan replied, narrowing his eyes. "But apparently you two were too…preoccupied." (“我敲过了,”戈汉回答着,眼睛眯了起来。“但显然你们两个太……专注了。”)

"Hn. Like you don't fantasize about doing the same thing with that loudmouth girl." (“哼。 就好像你没想过和那个喋喋不休的女孩做同样的事情一样。”)

Gohan's face fred as red as the human body allowed. Vegeta certainly had him there. Regardless, he shook his head, trying to erase away the memory. After seeing that, he'd pletely fotten why the hell he had even been lookia in the first pce. (戈汉的脸变得和人类身体允许的一样红了起来。 贝吉塔当然对他说中了。尽管如此,他摇了摇头,试图抹去那个记忆。在看到那一幕之后,他完全忘记了他到底为什么要找贝吉塔。)

He was about to turn around, until he noticed Vegeta's scrutinizing gaze. (他正要转身,直到他注意到贝吉塔审视的目光。)

"…Since when are we the same height?" The prince asked. (“…我们从什么时候开始是一样的身高了?”王子问道。)

Gohan opened his mouth to reply and gasped once he realized that answered his own problem, too. "ht. About that…up in the sky, where this p's God lives in his sanctuary, there's this room called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Time and space operate differently in there – a day out here is a whole year in there. " (戈汉张开嘴要回答,一旦他意识到这也解决了他自己的问题,他倒抽了一口气。“哦,对了。关于那个……在天空中,这个星球的神住在他的圣地里,有一个叫做超时空房间的地方。在那里时间和空间运作得不同——外面的一天在里面就是一整年。”)

"Seriously?" Vegeta asked, his eyes widening with intrigue. (“真的吗?”贝吉塔问道,他的眼睛因好奇而睁大了。)

"I spent the whole year…day…" Gohan sighed, still finding the whole deal disorienting. "…Whatever. I trained in there with Piccolo. " (“我度过了整整一年……一天……”戈汉叹了口气,仍然觉得整个事情令人迷惑。“……反正。我在那里和毕克洛一起训练。”)

Vegeta raised his eyebrow. "Who?" (贝吉塔挑了挑眉。“谁?”)

"The Namekian." (“那个那美克星人。”)

Reflexively, Vegeta sucked his teeth at Piention. (贝吉塔一听到提到毕克洛,本能地咂了咂牙。)

"What the hell doesn't this p have? But if it worked for you then it will obviously work for me. With a setup like that, I wouldn't o worry about when Frieza arrives. " (“这个星球到底缺什么?但如果对你有效,显然对我也有效。有了那样的安排,我就不必担心弗利萨什么时候来了。”)

"I think you should train in there with my father. You two will both get stronger. " (“我认为你应该和我父亲一起在那里训练。你们两个都会变得更强。”)

As Gohan expected, disgust immediately took hold of Vegeta's face. And sidering the highs he arently running on befohan arrived, the idea was obviously the furthest thing from his desires. (正如戈汉所料,贝吉塔的脸上立刻露出厌恶之色。考虑到戈汉到来之前他显然是如此高涨的状态,这个想法显然是他最不希望的事情。)

"Him?" he sneered. "You expect me to spend a year in some room with that sellout court jester? Apparently, your year in there did a number on your on sense. " (“他?”他嘲笑道。“你指望我和那个卖身的玩笑杂耍者一起在一个房间里度过一年?显然,你在那里的一年让你的常识受到了一些影响。”)

Gohan rolled his eyes. The Saiyan priruly was as stubborn as they came. "He's already sold on it, and he's waiting up there. " (戈汉翻了个白眼。这位赛亚人王子确实如同他们的性格一样固执。“他已经同意了,并且他在上面等着。”)

With ched teeth, Vegeta leaned against the desk, drumming his fingers along the edge. Gohahat look oa's face – he was giving it legitimate thought, but at the same time devising reasons not to do it. The only appeal that would work would be to his pride. (贝吉塔咬紧牙关,靠在桌子上,用手指敲击着边缘。戈汉知道贝吉塔脸上的表情——他正在认真考虑,同时想出不去做的理由。唯一能起作用的诱因就是他的自尊心。)

Gohan locked his eyes onto Vegeta's, trying to project his iy onto him. "I know you want another crack at him. You'll have 365 whole days to get it. " (戈汉盯着贝吉塔的眼睛,试图将他的强烈愿望传递给他。“我知道你想再次与他一决高下。你将有整整365天来实现它。”)

Vegeta's eye twitched. He scratched the edge of the desk hard enough that its shavings fell to the floor, hissing in anger. If Gohan knew anything about him, the memory of his spine being snapped was embedded in his brain. With how much css hierarchy meant to the Prince of all Saiyans, he probably wao defeat Goku nearly as badly as he did Frieza. (贝吉塔的眼睛抽搐了一下。他用力刮了刮桌子的边缘,足够强烈,使桌子的碎屑掉到地上,咬牙切齿地发出声音。如果戈汉了解他的一些情况,他的脊椎被折断的记忆已经深深烙印在他的脑海中。对于所有赛亚人的王子来说,阶级等级意味着很多,他可能和对待弗利萨一样渴望击败悟空。)

After a growl, Vegeta replied, "I could train with you in there, e back out and wipe the floor with him all the same. " (贝吉塔咆哮着回答道:“我可以和你一起在那里训练,然后出来时照样把他踩在脚下。”)

Gohan snickered. "By then, you'd be so much strohan him it'd be er than pushing around Raditz. " (戈汉窃笑道:“到那时,你将比他强大得多,和推着拉迪茨没什么两样。”)

"Because that's exactly what he is. " Vegeta hopped off the disheveled desk. "He's from the same trash stock, and is to be disposed of as such. " (“因为他就是那样的。”贝吉塔从凌乱的桌子上跳了下来。“他来自同样的废物血统,应该被清除。”)

As Vegeta headed for the dohan flexed his jaw. "I e from that trash stock, too," he said, a fme igniting in his voice. (当贝吉塔朝门口走去时,戈汉咬紧了下颌。“我也来自那个废物血统,”他说道,声音中燃起了一把火焰。)

Vegeta froze in his tracks. While Gohan braced himself for any and all responses, he knew he had to assert himself; hell, the very same man across from him had urged him to do it. If he kept repressing his feelings every time Vegeta did something to piss him off, he'd eventually ght back to square one. (贝吉塔突然停住了脚步。戈汉做好了准备,准备应对所有的回应,他知道他必须坚持自己;他身边的那个人曾敦促他这样做。如果他继续压抑自己的情感,每当贝吉塔做一些让他生气的事情时,他最终会回到原点。)

Instead, Vegeta grunted and turned his head in his dire. "You wished those people back?" (相反,贝吉塔呼哧一声,转过头看向戈汉。“你把那些人都复活了吗?”)

Gohan stared at Vegeta's back, trying to see through the other side to figure out his expression. He didn't o figure out his answer, and suspected Vegeta already k, anyway. (戈汉凝视着贝吉塔的背影,试图透过另一边看出他的表情。他不需要弄清楚贝吉塔的答案,而且他怀疑贝吉塔已经知道了。)

"Yes. " (“是的。”)

Vegeta turned back around, his eyes less rigid. (贝吉塔转过身来,他的眼神不再那么坚硬。)

"Good. " (“很好。”)

He left, leaving Gohan to sigh out of exasperation. Not a mome by where the Saiyan prince didn't leave Gohan with questions. It appeared that Bulma had rubbed off on him…which, give events robably the absolute worst choice of words to describe such a thing. (他离开了,让戈汉无奈地叹了口气。每时每刻,赛亚人王子都会让戈汉心生疑问。看来布尔玛对他产生了影响...鉴于最近的事件,用这样的话来形容这种影响或许是绝对最糟糕的选择。)



His name being called, he stopped and turned around.


Gohan took a deep breath, gathering the words from his chest.


"I don't know if I'll ever five you. But I respect you. And until Frieza's dead, that's all that really matters."


The two Saiyans stared at each other for a few moments in silent uanding.


Trying to remain stoid guarded, Vegeta tugged his arms and looked away.


"Hn. Well, if you respected me, you wouldn't have tried subjeg me to a year with Kakarot."


Gohahed a small sigh of relief. He had hoped that their retionship wouldn't somehow bee sappier in the face of Vegeta's trition.


"I don't want to spend another year in that pce. Besides, you'll get more out of it, training with somebody on the same level."


Vegeta lowered his arms, his usual edge returning.


"And what's that supposed to mean?"


"Take of it what you will."


Gohan's reply came with just enough arrogao arch Vegeta's promi brows.


But it was true; even before the room, he had already been at least twice as strong as Vegeta.


A year of training in that hellscape aing a stronger hold on his mind had taken his power to thresholds he didn't ever imagine possible in his lifetime.


"I don't know if you know this," Vegeta began, squaring his shoulders, "But I've recovered from you beatihin an iny life, and the boost has increased my power leaps and bounds. Even with your training, I'd bet we're a lot closer than you'd think."


"You think so?" Gohan challenged. Obviously, he couldn't sense Vegeta's real power, but he doubted one power-up would even e close to matg his training gains.


"Let's bet on it, then. If you beat me in the gravity room, I'll go in there with you instead of my father."


"Easy money," Vegeta boasted. "Even if you're a little stronger, you don't have my fighting experience. Meet me there in ten minutes."

