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久久小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第17章 决战17

第17章 决战17(1/1)

"Why ten minutes? We fight now."


As soon as Gohan said it and gave it more thought, he grimaced.


"Oh , don't tell me you and Bulma are gonna-"


"No!" Vegeta screamed, his already red cheeks flushing a deeper shade. He grumbled a his eyes aside. "But I'll need her to turn the gravity ba. And after that, a cold shower."


"Disgusting…" Gohan looked to the side as well, mostly to avoid seeia lest he think about what he walked in on again.


Ten mier, Gohan sat in the middle of the gravity room, meditating besides a line of drones.


Before they left the chamber, Piccolo advised Gohan to make it a daily habit, because the work wasn't just finding peace – it was maintaining it.


He had been right about the mind being a crucial po of his Ki trol, as Goha a powerful flow of energy within his veins just from interation.


The caustic presence of Vegeta's Ki interrupted Gohan's focus. When he opened his eyes, Vegeta had been stepping inside in a pair of bck sants, closing the door behind him.


Gohan stood up, already taking on a fighting stance. "Hold on," Vegeta anded. "The gravity."


"Gohan looked over his shoulder at the trol panel. 'ht.'"


"75 G's," Vegeta said as Gohan walked over to the panel. "Let's see you hahat."


"Easy," Gohan replied with a snort, hitting the necessary buttons until the number 75 popped up on the s. Following a humming sound, the pressure ihe room intensified…yet Gohan didn't feel a thing.


Just to show off how easy it was on his body, Gohan jumped away from the trol panel and hopped bad forth oher foot. Vegeta scowled at the boy's arrogahough he showed signs of trepidation. Clearly, he wasn't expeg Gohan's body to adapt so easily. Miscalcution #1.


Of course, whatever fear he had, he ig, as he crouched into his usual fighting stah determination. Gohan knew in a real fight with Vegeta, he'd probably have to rip the bastard's heart out to truly finish him. Maybe it would have to go that way now, too.


As Gohan expected, Vegeta went oack, throwing a rush of punches his way. Every fist that thrust towards his face, Gohan could see ing at least a sed before they were thrown; he could even pick up the trajectory with ease. He expertly ducked out of the way of every punch at whatever angle necessary, moving backwards until the only thia's fist ected with was a...


"Window." Gss crag against his fist would stop the prince, however, and he spun back around with a kiteo break a few bones.

"窗户。" 玻璃被他的拳头砸碎,停住了这位王子,然后他转身用一脚猛踢,意在打断几根骨头。

With his fohan blocked it without feeling any pain. Whea gasped in surprise, Gohan took advantage and punched him across the room. His body smmed into the wall and nearly broke through the steel, leaving a deep dent in his wake.


Seds ter, he crumbled to the red tiles of the floor with heavy breaths. He tried standing up, but fell right back down. "Impossible…!" Vegeta hissed. "Just from oupid punch?!"


"Might as well quit while you're ahead," Gohan said, his arms triumphantly folded. Admittedly, being on the winning end against Vegeta for once was an exhirating feeling.

"你还是趁你还有余地的时候放弃吧," 悟饭说着,双臂得意地折叠着。不可否认,对维吉塔来说,这一次处于胜利的一方是一种令人兴奋的感觉。

The elder Saiyan lifted his head with a scowl of envy on his face. "Bullshit!" A massive wave of yellow Ki propelled from Vegeta's hand, but Gohan leaped away. The bst would be the st straw for the spaceship's ravaged interior, however, bursting through the wall.

年长的赛亚人抬起头,脸上带着羡慕的怒容。“胡说!” 一道巨大的黄色气功波从维吉塔的手中喷薄而出,但悟饭跳开了。然而,这次爆炸将是宇宙飞船内部岌岌可危的最后一根稻草,它冲破了墙壁。

In a rush, Gohan kicked his way through and blitzed through the sky until he got in front of the bst's destructive path. With a thrust of his hands and a burst of his own Ki, Gohan disied the light before it could damage the rec city.


Ohe danger was taken care of, Goha the busted spaceship in the wn.


"But while the ship had been brokea's spirit was very mutact - he flew through the hole his bst left with another pun tow."


The only part of Gohan's skin his fist struck was his palm, however, and the half-Saiyan pulled him into a lethal punch that sent him all the way down to the wn on his back.


Gohan calmly floated down while Vegeta tried and failed to rise back to his feet. "I reached a whole new level in that room," Gohan procimed as he nded.


"And that's not all…" Gohan squeezed his fists, eling Ki from his lower body. A reservoir of power broke through the dam of his normal limitations, igniting his body temperature and releasing an intense aura.


With a primal rohan allowed the energy to take plete trol with no fear of its side effects. An outburst of power ter, Gohan stood ier of the wn while tornadids gust around him, the top of his hair standing up and his eyes golden.


Geerror struck Vegeta's eyes as he bore wito the transformation that had nearly brought about his death. The fear was enough t him back to his feet. "That…power…" Vegeta gasped.


Gohan nodded. He o show Vegeta that he could trol it; he o prove that his outburst wouldn't happen again.


"And more importantly, he o prove it to himself."


Vegeta and the city around him had fallen victim to the power that robbed Gohan of his trol over his destructive impulses, but now, he could stand amongst them easily.


"Unbelievable…" Vegeta marveled, "I've never felt anything like this…"


However, while Gohan's mind had quered the form, his body still had a long road ahead before it could catch up. After a few spasms of his muscles, he thought it best to relinquish the awe-inspiring power.


O left, he felt like he'd just got done carrying aire p on his bad colpsed with harsh gasps for air.


After limping tohaa cupped his in thought. "I guess you trol it now, but you 't maintain it."


Gohan rolled over onto his bad sat up. "Yeah," he replied, tinuing to cough and pant heavily. "But nobody said Super Saiyan would be easy."


"I wohough…" Gohan raised his eyebrohat Vegeta was about to postute.


The Saiyan prince's words trailed off, however, as something straight ahead caught his eye. When Gohan looked up, he saw someoanding at Capsule Corp's entrance, looking bad forth between them and the door.


It was the mild-mannered girl with dark-blue hair from the wedding party the day Gohan aa first arrived, holding a rge duffle bag in her hands.


"Uh, hey," she called out with a wave. "I don't mean to interrupt yht, but you guys stay here, right?"


Gohan stood back up and dusted off his Gi. "Yeah, we do. What's up?"


"I've been trying to get in for a few minutes, but Bulma won't ahe door."


"Oh," Gohan replied. "She's uh…" he looked over at Vegeta with a haunted revulsion, "Recuperating, I guess."



"I get you in there, though."


Gohan hopped over to the door and got it open with an input in the nearby keypad. As he led her aa inside, Gohan thought back to that party and realized something had been amiss on that day. The blue-haired woman behind him had appeared seemingly from hat day. In fact, there had been a blonde woman there whom he had to haggle Bulma's cigarettes from, and she'd been wearing aical outfit. He supposed it wasn't worth the extra thought, however.


"Oh, Launch!" Bulma joihe three in the hall in her bathrobe, her hair soaki following an apparent shower.

"哦,琳琅!" 布尔玛穿着浴袍加入了走廊上的三人,她的头发湿漉漉的,显然是刚洗完澡。

"Sorry, I must've missed you. I've had…" She turowards Vegeta with a frisky smirk. "Quite a day, to say the least."

"对不起,我可能错过了你。我今天过得..." 她转向维吉塔,咧嘴笑着说道,带着一丝调皮的表情。“相当不错的一天,至少可以这么说。”

Whea grunted with amusement, Gohan covered his mouth while that nauseous sensatiourned with a vengeance. He couldn't even begin to his head around whatever the hell had been going on. Last time he checked, Bulma aa wao kill each other.


"No biggie," Launch replied, "I just needed you to help repair my motorcycle. My other half kinda wrecked it."


"What else is new?" Bulma snickered. "But yeah, that's easy. Just gimme a sec to ge."


"No problem!"


As Bulma left, Launch took a seat at the able in the lobby while Vegeta turohan.


As he began to speak, a fly raced towards his hat he frantically shooed away.


"I'll go in the room with your stupid father," Vegeta grumbled. "But this transformation of yours..."


Vegeta stooped to ohan, notig that he was still panting. That power had taken a lot out of him, leaving him in a state like he'd just been fighting for aire day with no breaks.


To make matter worse, the fly that disrupted Vegeta flew towards his oo, and made him sneeze.


"What about it?" he asked, wiping off his nose.


"I assume you absorbed its power within yourself and learned how to activate it," Vegeta noted. "But something about it still doesn't feel right. Like the Saiyan body just isn't suited for it because it o transform. Maybe it isn't Super Saiyan..."


"What do you mean?" Gohan asked, sneezing again. That stupid bug had set off his allergies, evidently.


"I just have tthen my body."


"Perhaps…" As Vegeta gazed ahead in thought, the fly flew back towards him.


He swung at it and missed. "How I not catch a damn bug?!" Gohan ughed.


"But anyway…maybe the Super Saiya e from such a plicated process. Even now, that power feels…toxic."


While the theory made sense, Gohan still had his doubts. "You're not just saying that because you 't do it, are you? Because it doesn't seem like your tail's ing bay time soon."


"Presumptuous turd…" Vegeta seethed. Making matters worse, the fly flew right ba his face. He swiped the bug in Gohan's dire.


"All I'm saying is that there might be a different, greater power awaiting us. It's just a sinking feeling. The entire cept of this form has been one big guessing game."


"Whatever you say," Gohan replied, swatting the bug away until it flew to the table where Launch had been sitting. "That's why you and my father should train together. You two might figure something out."


Vegeta shook his head, hesitant to admit Gohan was right.


Just as the two were about to leave, Launeezed, probably because of that fly.


And then, something bizarre happened – her hair flickered from dark blue to blohe face that had once been rexed and friendly took a viscous turn.


She sprung from the chair, opened up the duffle bag she had resting oable, arieved a mae gun. After sprinting into Gohan aa's path, she pht at them.


"Awright, buckos. Fork over whatever ya got and ya's might leave without a buncha holes in ya body."


The two Saiyans froze. Not out of fear, but because they had hly idea what the fuck had just happened.


This was the girl Gohan remembered nearly ing to blows with over Bulma's cigarettes until Krillin pulled her away. Apparently, her and the calm girl he'd let in were one in the same?


But where Gohan was frazzled, Vegeta was eained. He raised his hand, a universal signal that a violeh was on the horizon. "Sure thing, fool," Vegeta said with a dark chuckle.


Gohan fastened himself, ready to stop him from attag even if he had a flimsy justification to kill her. "Enjoy an early-"

悟饭紧张起来,准备阻止他袭击,即使他有一个站不住脚的理由去杀她。“好好享受早—” !

"Oh, goddammit Launch!" Bulma came barging in from the hall, only half-dressed in jeans and a bra. Gohan looked away…though his pupils kept drifting towards her.

Transtion: "哦,该死的发射!" 布尔玛从走廊冲进来,只穿着牛仔裤和胸罩。悟饭别过头去……尽管他的瞳孔一直朝她飘移。

Both Laua gave her their attention. "What have I told you about this?" Bulma scolded, gring at Blonde Launch. "Not in the building!" Though unch shrugged, she put the gun down. "Pfft. Whatever. A scoop's a scoop. "

Transtion: 发射和贝吉塔都注意到了她。 "我之前告诉过你什么?" 布尔玛责骂道,怒视着金发发射。 "不准在建筑物内!" 发射耸了耸肩,放下了枪。 "呸。无所谓。独家新闻就是独家新闻。"

"Please," Bulma chuckled, her ile poi Vegeta. "Only thing of value this guy has is his dick."

Transtion: "拜托," 布尔玛笑了笑,媚笑着看着贝吉塔。 "这个家伙唯一有价值的东西就是他的那玩意儿。"

"Seriously?!" Gohan groaned, staring at the ceiling and w what had cursed him to be around all this. "Care to assess that again?" Vegeta huskily asked.

Transtion: "真的吗?!" 悟饭哼了一声,盯着天花板,不禁想知道自己为什么要身陷其中。贝吉塔低沉地问道:"你确定要再评估一下吗?"

"Oh, fuck this…" Gohan walked out of the room.

Transtion: "哦,去他妈的……" 悟饭干脆地走出了房间。

Bulma reached out to Gohan apologetically, although her goofy smile betrayed her mischief.

Transtion: 布尔玛向悟饭道歉地伸出手,尽管她傻笑的表情透露出她的恶作剧。

She turned her attention back to the blonde firecracker. "Just head to the industrial b. I'll be there in a few."

Transtion: 她把注意力转回了金发火药桶身上。"去工业实验室吧。我马上就到。"

Launch mumbled a few curses while pag her gun back up and marched down the hall.

Transtion: 发射嘟囔着几句咒骂声,把枪收好,然后沿着走廊前进。

As she left, Bulma looked over her shoulder. "And I ged all the passwords, so don't bother!"

Transtion: 当她离开时,布尔玛回头看着说:"我已经把所有密码都改了,所以别费心了!"

Vegeta stared at the blonde woman, now raising her middle finger, with his mouth agape. "Did that woman just turn into a whole new person by sneezing?" Bulma shrugged. "Yeah, nobody's ever figured it out. One sed she's a calm bruhe she's a blonde psycho on a rampage."

Transtion: 贝吉塔目瞪口呆地盯着举起中指的金发女人。"那个女人刚才是不是打了个喷嚏就变成了一个全新的人?" 布尔玛耸了耸肩。"是的,没人弄明白过。她一会儿是冷静的棕发女子,下一秒就变成了肆虐的金发疯子。"

"What a straransformation. . ."

Transtion: "多么奇怪的变身……"

"KA…ME…" With his red aura bzing around him, Goku looked up into the white space at the super-charged Saiyan floating above him in the same pose.

Transtion: "KA... ME..." 身上散发着红色光环的悟空抬头望着漂浮在他上方、处于同一姿势的超级赛亚人。

In his estimation, they had been in this exact sario at least a huimes thus far. Goku always thought himself a hard guy to keep down, but a few months with Vegeta let him know he wasn't even close. The bastard could have had no funal bone in his body and he'd still be out there training.

Transtion: 按他的估计,到目前为止,他们已经经历过至少一百次这种准确的情景。悟空一直认为自己是个难以击倒的家伙,但和贝吉塔一起度过几个月后,他意识到自己离这个程度还差得远。那个混蛋即使全身没有一块正常的骨头,他仍然会继续训练。

"HA…ME…" Now, the usual part of their daily script was . Goku would get the best of their fight, aa would flip out and try bsting him into smithereens. As far as Goku was ed, the Saiyan prince didn't eveo learn the Kaio-Ken – his Kaio-Ken was just getting really, really angry and reag a new level for a few fleeting, votile moments. And a guy like him was always oick away from a psychotic episode, anyway.

Transtion: "HA... ME..." 现在,他们日常剧本的寻常部分正在上演。悟空会占上风,贝吉塔会疯狂起来,试图把他炸成碎片。对悟空来说,赛亚人王子甚至不需要学习界王拳 - 他的界王拳只是变得非常非常愤怒,达到一个短暂而多变的新境界。而像他这样的人总是离精神崩溃只差一步。

"GALLICK…" Pink sparks jolted aroua, like a fuse ready to explode. But Goku's fmes were well-equipped to handle him. "HA!" "GUN!"

Transtion: "GALLICK..." 粉色的火花在贝吉塔周围闪动,就像一个即将爆炸的导火索。但悟空的火焰已经准备好对付他了。"HA!" "GUN!" Both full-blooded Saiyans unleashed their signature Ki waves on each other, pushing their powers to the limit ohey collided.

Transtion: 两位纯血赛亚人向对方释放了他们标志性的气浪,一旦碰撞,便将他们的力量推向了极限。

Goku's veins sweltered as he tried standing his ground; twelve straight hours of fighting, after a week of battles that would leave him passed out from exhaustion, made pushing the Kaio-Ken past a ten a deadly proposition.

Transtion: 悟空的血管涌动着热血,他试图站稳脚跟;连续战斗了十二个小时,经过一周的战斗后,他因为精疲力竭而晕倒,使得超越10级界王拳成为一个致命的提议。

He would have to go with what he had – if Vegeta had ara reservoir of power, he would finally see defeat.

Transtion: 他必须凭借自己的实力去应对 - 如果贝吉塔有额外的力量储备,他将最终面临失败。

The bsts finally folded uhe mutual pressure, ripping through each other and rag at their targets.

Transtion: 能量爆炸最终在相互压力下消散,相互穿过并向目标飞驰。

While Goku had enough left iank to leap away from Vegeta's bst and only deal with the aftershock of the ensuing explosioa could only hold his arms up to absorb the impact.

Transtion: 虽然悟空还剩下足够的力量跳开贝吉塔的能量爆炸,只需处理随之而来的余波,而贝吉塔只能举起双臂吸收冲击力。

Two enormous explosions filled the room, f Goku to shield his ears from the reverberating sound.

Transtion: 两次巨大的爆炸填满了房间,迫使悟空用手捂住耳朵以防止回响声。

Once all of the smoke blew away, Goku rose back up against the protests of his joints. As he expected, Vegeta y on his face without movement.

Transtion: 烟雾散去后,悟空抗议着关节的疼痛重新站了起来。正如他所预料的,贝吉塔躺在那里没有动弹。

Whether he had given into the pain or just passed out from exhaustion was anyone's guess. Every single fight they engaged in had ehis way; Vegeta would be out training the moment he woke up.

Transtion: 他是因为痛苦屈服了,还是因为精疲力竭而昏迷不醒,任何人都无法猜测。他们每一场战斗都以这种方式结束;贝吉塔一旦醒来就会开始训练。

The Saiyan ying at Goku's feet had been an invisible ghost for the st nine years. He thought his brother Raditz was the person he would ultimately have to fight to win back his son – he thought he was the pinnacle of fearsome power. But evidently, Raditz had been at the bottom of the totem pole, and this little man was instead his obstacle.

Transtion: 躺在悟空脚下的赛亚人在过去的九年里一直是一个无形的幽灵。他以为他的兄弟拉蒂兹是他最终必须与之战斗以夺回儿子的人 - 他认为他是可怕力量的顶峰。但显然,拉蒂兹一直处于底层,而这个小个子却成为了他的障碍。

The proud fg-bearer of the entire Saiyan race, a group of p-raiding savages whom Goku wanted nothing to do with. A, he was one of them.

Transtion: 作为整个赛亚人种族的自豪旗手,他们是一群掠夺星球的野蛮人,悟空与他们无关。然而,他却是他们中的一员。If not for a ce fall off a cliff, he would have operated purely on violeoo.

Transtion: 如果不是因为意外从悬崖上跌落,他也会完全以暴力为主。

Hell, he already did, just in a less evil way.

Transtion: 哎呀,他已经这样做了,只是方式不那么邪恶罢了。

Somehow, Vegeta's body twitched. With a few distressed grunts, he looked up with a sneer aimed at Goku. "D-Dammit…"

Transtion: 不知怎的,贝吉塔的身体抽搐了一下。他发出几声苦闷的咆哮,抬头冷笑着看着悟空说道:"该死……"

Goku shook his head and ughed in admiration. "I'll give ya ohing – you wouldn't throw anybody into a fire that hadn't already burned you to a crisp."

Transtion: 悟空摇了摇头,欣赏地笑了笑说:"我得承认一点,你不会把任何人推向火坑,除非你自己已经被烧得焦黑了。"

"S-Shut up…" Goku's expression grew solemn as he observed Vegeta struggle haplessly to even roll over. That really was the crux of it all – it was a small weta had no problem dragging Gohan into that crazy world. If he could gh it a strohen anybody worth their salt could, too.

Transtion: "闭……闭嘴……" 悟空的表情变得庄重,他注视着贝吉塔无助地挣扎,连翻身都无法做到。这真是问题的关键 - 令人惊讶的是,贝吉塔毫不犹豫地把悟饭拖进那个疯狂的世界。如果他能经历并变得更强大,那么任何值得一提的人也可以做到。

"I'm startin' to see why Gohan stands by you so much," Goku admitted. He crouched down, reag his hand towards his prince. "I don't…n-need praise from a peasant…" Vegeta spat. "And I don't need your help…"

Transtion: "我开始明白为什么悟饭这么支持你了," 悟空承认道。他蹲下身子,伸手向贝吉塔伸过去。"我……我不需要一个农民的赞美……" 贝吉塔咕哝道。"而且我不需要你的帮助……""Well, we both know I'm gonna help ya anyway," Goku snickered.

Transtion: "嗯,我们都知道无论如何我都会帮助你的," 悟空窃笑道。

"You get me back when we fight again."

Transtion: "我们再次战斗时你可以报复我。"

Though Vegeta growled in protest, Goku lifted him up, slinging his limp arm over his shoulder and holding him by his waist.

Transtion: 尽管贝吉塔咆哮着抗议,悟空把他扶起来,将他无力的胳膊搭在肩膀上,手握他的腰部。

He flew back to the lobby, subsciously brag himself for an elbow to his ribs at any given moment. Fortunately, Vegeta could hardly move.

Transtion: 他飞回大厅,下意识地准备随时挨一肘子打在肋骨上。幸运的是,贝吉塔几乎无法动弹。

Ohey nded in the lobby and got close enough to the beds, Vegeta shoved himself away from Goku. The nudge had no impact whatsoever, but Goku let his grip loosen anyway ao the kit.

Transtion: 一旦他们降落在大厅,并接近床边足够近时,贝吉塔挣脱了悟空的扶持。这个推搡毫无影响,但悟空还是松开了握持,走向厨房。

After grabbing a few snacks, he turned around and foua sprawled out halfway on his bed and the floku snickered and nudged his body with his ko get him all the , and theo his own bed.

Transtion: 拿了一些零食后,他转身发现贝吉塔半躺在床上和地板上。悟空窃笑着用膝盖轻推他的身体,让他完全爬起来,然后回到自己的床上。

As he chowed down on a rice ball, he overheard the other Saiyan muttering. "B-Bulma…" Goku blinked in surprise. Why was that hardly the first time he heard Vegeta utter his oldest friend's name in his sleep?

Transtion: 当他大快朵颐地吃着饭团时,他无意中听到另一个赛亚人嘀嘀咕咕地说着:"B-布尔玛……" 悟空惊讶地眨了眨眼。为什么这几乎不是他第一次听到贝吉塔在梦中说出他最老的朋友的名字?

Goku knew he had been living with her for the past few weeks and knowing their personalities, probably engaged in many a verbal spar. But the way he would speak her name in his sleep almost sounded worried. Longing, like he actually had feelings behind it. And if that were the case, he had no idea what the hell that was about.

Transtion: 悟空知道过去几周他一直和布尔玛住在一起,而且了解他们的个性,可能会有很多口头争吵。但贝吉塔在梦中说她的名字的方式几乎听起来有点担忧。渴望,好像他实际上对她有感情。如果真是这样,他根本不知道那到底是怎么回事。

Retionships couldn't have been the furthest thing from Goku's wheelhouse – hell, he barely grasped his owionship with his wife – but evehought of Bulma aa having feelings for each other sounded preposterous. Then again, she and Yamcha were always at odds and her abrasive personality was certainly patible with the Saiyan prince.

Transtion: 关系对于悟空来说可能是最遥远的事情 - 哎呀,他对自己和妻子的关系几乎没有把握 - 但甚至想到布尔玛和贝吉塔对彼此有感情似乎是荒谬的。再说了,她和大和一直争执不断,她的刻薄个性与赛亚人王子确实相配。

Whatever the case may have been, Goku smiled that evea could possibly find something worth fighting for besides himself.


Several days ter, Vegeta and Goku were at it again. Try as he might, all of Vegeta's attacks were a step slow, his injuries piling up. Rubbing salt in the wounds was the fact that Goku hadn't once relied on the Kaio-Ken thus far. The angrier Vegeta grew after every miss or block, the less precise his attacks became.

几天后,维吉塔和孙悟空又开始了战斗。 尽管维吉塔努力尝试,但他的所有攻击都慢了一步,他的伤势不断加重。 更让他伤心的是,孙悟空到目前为止还没有依赖过界王拳。 每次失误或被挡住后,维吉塔变得越来越愤怒,他的攻击也变得越来越不准确。

After Goku blocked a punch, he hit Vegeta directly in the chest, knog all the air out of him. And he earned another kick to his fa the way down. Only through sheer reflex did he flip to break his fall, and once he did, he fired a Ki bst that hit absolutely nothing.

在孙悟空挡住一记拳击后,他直接击中维吉塔的胸口,让他全身失去了力气。 在下坠的过程中,他又被踢中了脸。 只是凭借纯粹的反射,他翻身以减轻摔倒的冲击,然后发射了一道气功波,却没有击中任何东西。

His bloodshot eyes nearly pulsed out of his head. This was what he was reduced to? Day after day for five straight months of being tossed around? When they first ehe room, their fights usually started with Vegeta dominating until Goku pushed ahead with the upper levels of Kaio-Ken; over time, he less ao secure his victory.

他血红的眼睛几乎要从眼眶里蹦出来。 这就是他变成的样子?连续五个月每天都被摔来摔去?当他们刚进入房间时,他们的战斗通常是维吉塔占据上风,直到孙悟空运用了更高级别的界王拳才逆袭取胜;随着时间的推移,他越来越不需要依赖它来确保胜利。

Another bst, another miss. Another kick that actually nded a Goku downward, only to be answered with an axehandle. When he went for another kick, Vegeta actually got the better of him and phased out of sight. However, the kick he tried to follow up with literally went through him until he vanished.

又一道气功波,又一次失误。 又一脚确实命中并将孙悟空踢向下方,却被一记掌柄还击。 当他试图再踢一脚时,维吉塔实际上占了上风,消失在视线中。 然而,他试图接着出招的踢击实际上穿过维吉塔,直到他消失无踪。

"Damn after-image!" he growled aloud.

