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久久小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第21章 决战21

第21章 决战21(1/1)

He tried drilling that notion into Gohan while simultaneously developing a paternalistic attitude towards him. (inal Text)


Now, he had a real, screwed-up family. (inal Text)


That aqua-haired demon had somehow worn him down. (inal Text)


Wishing not to dwell on them for too long, Vegeta turned around and stomped away. (inal Text)


His pn was always supposed to end in him g Frieza's throne aih existed – now, that boy would persist in his thoughts. (inal Text)


The few times he looked at him, he'd iably think of Gohan the first day he arrived on the base. (inal Text)


Vegeta gred at the wall. (inal Text)


His son was a half-Saiyan. The heir to royalty. (inal Text)


Yet, Vegeta had a sinking dread about him ever living the way Gohan did. Or how he did. (inal Text)


He rushed out of the pound, desiring to go neck-deep into training again rather thaertain the reality that Gohan had ged him all along. (inal Text)


He couldn't have opehe ship's door fast enough, hopping onto the doorway before the ramp finished l. (inal Text)


After taking two steps i all hit him. (inal Text)


After leaping into the wn, he looked up at the sky with a cold sweat. (inal Text)


Funny – he didn't learn how to sense Ki until the end of his tenure in Frieza's anization, a all of the powers he felt were hauntingly familiar. (inal Text)


Even before he learned, he was always sensitive to their presence. (inal Text)


It was time. Frieza was drawing near. The moment of truth that he had prepared all of his life for had arrived. (inal Text)


And his first thought was his family in the yellow dome behind him. (inal Text)


Vegeta ran inside, going back to the kit that he had wanted nothing to do with just a minute earlier. "Hey!" he shouted. (inal Text)

贝吉塔跑回屋里,回到他刚刚一分钟前还不愿理会的厨房。 "嘿!" 他大喊道。

Bulma put her spoon down and turned around, immediate on her face when she saw Vegeta's frazzled demeanor. "What's going-" (inal Text)

布尔玛放下勺子,转过身来,当她看到贝吉塔慌乱的表情时,她脸上立刻露出担忧之色。 "怎么了-"

"Take the kid ahe hell out of here," Vegeta demanded. (inal Text)

"带着孩子赶紧离开这里!" 贝吉塔要求道。

"What? Why?" Suddenly, her face paled. "Oh no... you don't mean..." (inal Text)

"什么?为什么?" 她突然脸色苍白。 "哦不... 你不是指..."

"Yes. They're ing."

Transtion: "是的。他们来了。"

Bulma's head whipped to Trunks. The boy had no idea what was going on, but could pick up the distressed dispositions of his parents and began to panic.

Transtion: 布尔玛的头转向特兰克斯。这个男孩不知道发生了什么,但他能感觉到父母的焦虑情绪,开始感到恐慌。

Bulma picked him up and g him to her chest. "Alright, I'll hand him off to my parents so they take him with them to the lookout," Bulma said, rag to the hall.

Transtion: 布尔玛把他抱起来紧紧地贴在胸前。“好的,我会把他交给我的父母,让他们带他一起去神殿,”布尔玛说着,冲向大厅。

"You're not going with them?" Bulma turned around. "This is hardly my first extin-level event, Vegeta. Nobody in this city is more prepared for dealing with this stuff than I am, and I'm helping coordihe street-level efforts."

Transtion: “你不和他们一起去吗?”布尔玛转过身来。“这可不是我第一次面对灭绝级事件了,贝吉塔。这座城市没有人比我更准备好处理这些事情,而且我正在协助协调地面的努力。”

Unbelievable. This reckless, stubborn idiot. "Are you seriht now?"

Transtion: 难以置信。这个鲁莽、固执的白痴。“你现在是认真的吗?”

"Yes, I'm serious," Bulma replied with determination in her eyes.

"是的,我是认真的," 布尔玛坚定地回答道。

Vegeta stared at her in disbelief, his frustration evident on his face.


"I handle myself, Vegeta," Bulma tinued, her voice steady. "I've been through worse before, and I won't back down now. We need all hands oo protect our home."

"我可以照顾自己,贝吉塔," 布尔玛继续说道,声音平稳。 "我以前经历过更糟糕的事情,现在我不会退缩。我们需要全力保护我们的家园。"

Vegeta's expression softened slightly, a mixture of admiration and .


"Just be careful," he finally said, his voice softer than before.

"小心点," 他最终说道,声音比之前柔和了些。

"You think I'd hear about this Frieza boogeyman for a whole year and run from him?"


With an impatient growl, Vegeta swung his fist down. "This is not one of your stupid adolest advehere's thousands of them, ruthless savages like me who have been wiping out ps for most of their lives. Nothing someone like you and the rest of these Earth dogs could do would keep you alive. "

贝吉塔不耐烦地咆哮着,挥动拳头。 “这不是你那些愚蠢的少年冒险中的一次。 有成千上万个像我这样的无情野蛮人,他们大部分时间都在摧毁行星。 你和其他地球人一样,无论怎么努力都无法保住你的生命。”

Vegeta's argument didn't move Bulma in the slightest. She probed him with that X-Ray-level gre. "Well clearly, my death won't affect you too much if yonoo busy izing the universe after this. So, if I'm too weak for this, what am I really worth to you, Mr. Darwinism?"

贝吉塔的辩论对布尔玛毫无影响。 她用那种透视般的凝视来审视他。 “显然,如果你在这之后忙着征服宇宙,我的死对你来说影响也不大。 那么,如果我对这件事来说太弱小,对你来说我真的值多少,达尔文先生?”

"Yonna go back to this shit now?!" Vegeta asked, an incredulous scowl on his face.


Trunks burst out with tears, stealing the attention of his bickering parents. With more important priorities ahead, Bulma spun back around to find her mother. "You'll do things your way, I'll do things my way!" she said as she walked away.

特兰克斯哭泣不止,吸引了吵架的父母的注意。 面对更重要的事情,布尔玛转身去找她的母亲。 “你会按照你的方式做事,我会按照我的方式做事!”她走开时说道。

"Fine!" Vegeta growled venomously, searg for the lowest thing he could say. "Get yourself killed by Frieza's men a of my hair at st. You're right about ohing – your death won't mean shit to me.

“好吧!”贝吉塔恶狠狠地咆哮着,寻找能说出的最低级的话。 “让你自己被弗利萨的手下杀死,终于摆脱我了。 你说对了一件事——你的死对我来说一点意义都没有。”

"Bulma froze, fetting about her son's cries that ending."


She turned back around, revealing a set of eyes as furious as they were wounded, glistening with tears.


The sight filled him with misery.


In the hormonal doldrums of her pregnancy, she had experienced many a g fit, to the point where he grew immune.


But not like this. She looked like he had just physically attacked her.


"A g son and a g woman. This was what Vegeta was, at the end of the day. Just a few minutes ago, they had a genuinely wholesome moment together, but it was sandwiched between their increasingly toxiteras."

“一个哭泣的儿子和一个哭泣的女人。 这就是贝吉塔的样子,一天结束的时候。 就在几分钟前,他们曾经有过真正和谐的时刻,但这是在越来越毒的互动之间夹杂着的。”

Bulma tried speaking, but her lip quivered too erratically.


The lo took for her to gather her words, the more Vegeta just wao run away.


This wasn't right. This wasn't how a stubborn hothead like her was supposed to look.

这不对。 一个像她这样固执的急脾气,不应该是这个样子。

After stifling a few sniffles, she curled her lips back, bearieeth but tinuing to whimper.


"I should've let you fug bleed to death."


She left.


Even as she got further away, he could still hear her cries clearly.


Vegeta puhe wall closest to himself, leaving a hole.


It was out of anger not towards Bulma, but himself.


After the halluations and dreams of Frieza killing her, he could never dare say it wouldn't have mattered.


But if he o push her away, then push her away he would.


Dejected, he walked out of the pound, physically spping himself to force his way into a fighting mood that should have been on default.


This was the absolute worst time for his emotions to run low.


What would Frieza or any of the Ginyu's do if they saw him like that, especially if they knew why? No matter how strong he had bee, he would be snuffed out in an instant.


He flew away to a terrain far away from West City.


He had been tasked with proteg the metropolis, but after that exge, he o get away to what was most familiar to him – wastends.


He couldn't get settled in for long, however, as he felt an unfamiliar Ki signature approag.


Immediately, he assumed a fighting stahough his calcutions had Frieza a little over an hour away, he repared for anything.


A small, white spaceship with blue stripes that had been vaguely familiar closed in from the sky and nded on the ground.


The door opened and a ramp retracted from the entrance.


Vegeta stayed put, brows arched with intrigue – this wasn't a Frieza Force pod, that was for certain.


From the entrance came a young man with purple skin and shrey hair.


He wore a tracksuit a darker shade of purple than his skin, and like Vegeta, white gloves, white boots, and a white armor pte over his chest, though he also wore a white earpiece.


Whea studied his frame, one specific thing caught his eye: the symbol on his armor that resembled a lightning bolt.


The mark of the Gactic Patrol.


"What the hell do you fools want?" Vegeta asked, though he may have had an inkling.


Then again, these wimps cowered from Frieza at almost every opportunity, so why would they be here to bat a full-scale invasion?


"My name is Merus," the young man said. "And you're under arrest."

“我叫梅拉斯,”年轻人说道。 “你被逮捕了。”

Gohan stood on the sidewalk in front of a red entrarying to hide his unease amongst the civiliaar City.


He kept looking at the sky, tapping his feet against the sidewalk while waiting for an unnervingly familiar face to show up.


Hell, if he was lucky, maybe the inal face would reveal itself, too.


His pn was the same as everyone else's - go in the sky and take out as many space pods as possible.


But he wao save someone from the colteral damage.


"It's you again!"


The same face, but with a different name - Videl.


Now, nearly a year after their first meetiive to her time, she looked even more like Arepa.


A little taller, a little bulkier.


And not only that, but she had what was clearly one of the guns from Capsule Corp strapped to her shirt.


She wasn't aloher – a girl with short, blonde hair jumped in front of her and leered at Gohan with a dazed, admiring smile with her haended.


"Um, hi...

" 女孩拖着声音说道。 “嗨……”

the girl drawled. "My name is...

" 她拖着语调。 “我的名字是……”

she turowards her pigtailed friend. "Shit, Videl, what's my name again?!"

她转向她那扎着辫子的朋友。 “该死,维迪尔,我的名字又是什么来着?!”

"There you go again, Erasa," Videl grumbled, impatiently folding her arms. "Boys destroy your brain.

" 维迪尔不满地嘟哝着,不耐烦地抱着胸。 “男孩子毁了你的大脑。”

Erasa resumed gazing at Gohan like a sb of prime rib, making the half-Saiyan more anxious and unfortable than he already had been.



Her delirious smile wasn't helping matters.


"You're really hot.


As Gohan's face went red, Videl grabbed Erasa by her bookbag and pulled her away. "If you would stop being horny for one sed...

"当悟饭的脸变红时,维迪尔抓住伊拉莎的书包,把她拉开。 “如果你能停止一秒钟的色心……”

Granted, even her eyes fluttered at him, though she kept their distance reasonable. "Long time, no see, um...

虽然她的眼神也向他飘过,但她保持着合理的距离。 “好久不见了,嗯……

you never actually gave me your name, did you?"


"It's Gohan. But I'm not here to chat.

“我叫悟饭。 但我不是来聊天的。

" He couldn't take his eyes off the rifle she carried around like a bookbag. "What the hell's the deal with the gun? And isn't there, like, a curfew?

”他无法移开目光,看着她像背书包一样带着步枪。 “这枪是怎么回事?而且,不是有宵禁之类的吗?

"It's not 'til night," Videl replied with a shrug. "Plus, I stole one of these guns to fight the alien invaders or whatever's ing.

“那是在晚上之前,”维迪尔耸耸肩回答。 “而且,我偷了一把这样的枪来对付外星侵略者或其他什么东西。”

"Why? You're too young for that.


Videl snidely lowered her eyelids and tilted her head in response. "Oh, really? ing from you of all people? You're even dressed like some kind of space ranger.


"That's exactly why I'm saying it," Gohan urged. This girl really was too much like Arepa, eager to jump into a fight far beyond her scope. "Look, I've got a pretty strong feeling these guys are about to arrive, so you o take your friend over here and your father and hide. My allies are gonna ha, but don't get caught in the crossfire.

“这正是我为什么这么说的,”悟饭催促道。 这个女孩真的太像阿瑞帕了,渴望加入一场超出她能力范围的战斗。“听着,我有一种强烈的预感,这些家伙就要来了,所以你们需要带着你这边的朋友和你父亲躲起来。我的盟友们会处理这个问题,但你们别被卷入交火中。”

Videl shook her head with a determined gre. "I get it, but I'm not just gon my city crumble and do nothing. I may not be some kung-fu God like you, but I've been studying Ki and training si, too.


"It's not that simple. You have no idea what kind of people are ing," Gohan said, memories of the sufferih received and dished out to ps just like this rushing ba. He looked back up at the sky and then back to her. He was about to speak, until he realized something had been closing in from the clouds.


"Shit!" he yelled, immediately gathering Ki to his palm. He gnced urgently at Videl. "Get back!"

“该死!”他大喊一声,立即将气聚集在手掌上。 他急切地瞥了维迪尔一眼。 “退后!”

"Holy shit," Videl muttered staring at the glowing orb in his hand.


Gohan was about to fire, until he realized what was ing down wasn't a space pod at all, or even a Frieza Force soldier. It urple-skinned man in a matg tracksuit and armor, who casually dropped down to the arm of the city dwellers.


"Am I dreaming?" Erasa said.


Screams and cries of aliens arose from among the civilians as they all scattered, rag to their cars and buildings. Videl, however, stood firm while Erasa took cover behind her and drew her gun.


"Stay back," the man ordered, motioning his arm towards her. His voice was calm. "I'm not here for trouble.

“站在后面。”那人命令道,伸手向她示意。 他的声音很平静。“我来这里并不是为了惹麻烦。”

He directed his unreadable eyes to Gohan. "What I'm here for is you, Son Gohan.

他将难以捉摸的目光转向悟饭。 “我来这里的目的就是你,孙悟饭。”
