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久久小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第22章 决战22

第22章 决战22(1/1)

Gohan squared his shoulders, subsciously preparing for battle. "What? Who are you?"

Transtion: Gohan挺直了肩膀,下意识地准备战斗。“什么?你是谁?”

"Merus, a Gactic Patrolman," the purple man replied.

Transtion: "我是Merus,银河巡逻队员,"那个紫色的人回答道。

Gohan looked down at his armor and noticed the distinctive insignia. "You're under arrest for participating in the murder of our rade a year ago."

Transtion: Gohan低头看着自己的盔甲,注意到了独特的标志。“你因为参与一年前我们同伴的谋杀行动而被逮捕。”

Murder of a rade? Gohan squi Merus, trying to figure out what he'd been talking about – and then it hit him again. "What the hell?!" he snapped. "I had nothing to do with that! Did Gomayn send you? He's full of shit."

Transtion: 同伴的谋杀?Gohan眯起眼睛看着Merus,试图弄清楚他在说什么 - 然后他再次明白了。“他妈的!”,他厉声说道。“我和那没有任何关系!是Gomayn派你来的吗?他根本就是胡说八道。”

Gohan snarled in disgust. This had that rat bastard's name written all over it – the timing was far too ve. "It was Gomayhough I'm not sure how you know of him," Merus replied. "But we firmed you, Vegeta, and another Saiyan were involved."

Transtion: Gohan厌恶地咆哮着。这件事完全是那个该死的家伙搞的 - 时间安排得太巧合了。“是Gomayn,没错,尽管我不确定你是怎么知道他的,”Merus回答道。“但我们确认你、Vegeta和另一个赛亚人都参与其中。”

"Do you not even realize that Gomayn's been pying you? He's part of the Frieza Force!" Merus' eyes widened in surprise, though he quickly regained his posure.

Transtion: “你难道没有意识到Gomayn一直在玩弄你吗?他是弗里沙军团的一员!” Merus惊讶地睁大了眼睛,尽管他很快恢复了镇定。

"I'm not so sure I'd take the word of their stro soldier."

Transtion: "我并不确定我会相信他们最强壮的士兵的话。"

Gohan hung his head, as those ive feelings that he had worked so hard to trol resurfaced. At the end of the day, this was his identity to the universe.

Transtion: Gohan低下头,那些他曾努力控制的负面情绪再次浮现。归根结底,这是他在宇宙中的身份。

Merus drew a ser gun from the back of his armor. "I sense Frieza approag here, so I'll have to make this quick."

Transtion: Merus从盔甲后面拿出一把激光枪。“我能感觉到弗里沙正在接近这里,所以我必须快点解决。”

Gohan sucked his teeth in revulsion. This was absurd. "If you sense all those bastards ing here, then why are you going after me when I'm clearly not causing any trouble? I'm not w with Frieza - I'm fighting him."

Transtion: Gohan厌恶地咂了咂牙。这太荒谬了。“如果你能感觉到所有那些混蛋来这里,那为什么你要追着我,明明我并没有制造麻烦?我不是与弗里沙合作 - 我正在与他战斗。”

He motioned his hand towards Videl. "Hell, why do you think this Earthling is trying to help me?" The Gactic Patrolman turo her with studious eyes. "Wait a sed - you're Arepa, aren't you? Gomayn gave us your picture in his iigation. You're one of his allies."

Transtion: 他用手指向Videl。“该死,你觉得为什么这个地球人在试图帮助我?”银河巡逻队员转向她,目光认真。“等一下 - 你是Arepa,对吧?Gomayn在他的调查中给了我们你的照片。你是他的盟友之一。”

"What the hell are you talking about?! My name's Videl."

Transtion: “你在说什么鬼话?!我的名字是Videl。”

While Videl gred in fusion, Gohan actually looked up at the sky and mirthlessly chuckled. Of all of the fug times.

当Videl困惑地怒视着时,Gohan实际上抬头看着天空,冷笑了一声。 真是他妈的时候。

Figuring it to be a lie, Merus shook his head in dismissal and shifted his attention back to Gohan. "And if you're fighting against the Frieza Force, then why are you wearing their armor?"

认为这是谎言,Merus摇了摇头,表示不予理会,将注意力重新转向Gohan。 "如果你是在对抗弗利萨势力,那你为什么穿着他们的盔甲?"

Gohan looked down at the fresh uniform Bulma had given him and groaned. He knew he should've just kept on Piccolo's outfit. Every single part of his past life cursed him. Realizing he didn't have a single leg to stand on, he went to his only other option.

Gohan低头看着布尔玛给他的崭新制服,叹了口气。 他知道他应该一直穿着那套由皮克罗所给他的装束。 他过去生活的每一个部分都在诅咒他。 意识到自己没有立足之地,他只剩下唯一的选择。

Merus cocked his gun. "Frieza's still an hour away. You have no back-up. So we do this the easy way, or we do this the hard way. "

Merus拉响了枪。 "弗利萨还有一个小时才到。 你没有后援。 所以我们可以简单地解决,或者我们可以用困难的方式解决。"

"You guys are suckers, letting Gomayn manipute you," Gohan said, a petitive smirk spreading across his lips. "But if that's the case, I'll just have to do this the hard way. "

"你们都是傻瓜,让Gomayn操纵你们," Gohan说道,嘴角勾起一丝竞争的笑容。 "但如果是这样,我只能用困难的方式解决了。"

As he crouched into a fighting stance, he g Videl. She had her gun drawn and aimed right at Merus. He would have to end this quickly.

当他蹲下采取战斗姿势时,他瞥了一眼Videl。 她拔出了枪,直接对准了Merus。 他必须快速解决这个问题。

And so, he dove at Merus with lightning speed, measuring his strength to make sure his punch wouldn't kill him.


Merus was behind him before his fist even punched air.


Befohan could even ask how he moved away so fast, a jolt of electricity struck his bad sent him to the ground, instantly robbing him of feeling in his limbs.


"Dammit... " he growled through his teeth.

"该死... " 他咬牙切齿地咆哮道。

Videl shot her ser at Merus, but the Patrolman effortlessly evaded the beam and snatched the on out of her hand in one swift motion. "We don't have any orders to arrest you, but I'd suggest you stand down. You're not strong enough to be a threat to anyone. "

Videl向Merus射出激光,但这位巡警轻松地躲过了光束,并在一瞬间夺走了她手中的武器。 "我们没有接到逮捕你的命令,但我建议你放下武器。 你没有足够的实力对任何人构成威胁。"

Gohan watched Videl and her friend helplessly stammer as Merus ed his hands in cuffs. Feeling the nerves in his limbs returning, Gohan flexed his Ki to snap the cuffs away, only to get nothing. Clearly, these were Ki-abs handcuffs. Merus scooped Gohan up and hauled him onto his shoulder. After tossing the rifle into the sky, tapped his earpiece.

Gohan无助地看着Videl和她的朋友结结巴巴地说话,而Merus将他的手套上手铐。 感觉到四肢的神经恢复,Gohan用气劲折断手铐,但什么也没有发生。 显然,这些是吸取气功的手铐。 Merus抱起Gohan,将他扔在肩上。 在将步枪扔向天空后,他轻击了一下耳机。

"Gomayn, I've got the other Saiyan. I'm heading back to the ship."


Gohan tried wrestling out of Merus' grip, but was hopeless.


As they flew away, he heard Videl shout his name.


All he wao at the moment was rip that neon-colored bastard on Merus' lio shreds. Gomayn had been a thorn in his side ever since he first showed his fa the Frieza Force, his jealousy and lies ultimately spinning off into the ining invasion. The invasion that Gohan was about to be dragged away from.


He squeezed his eyes shut, stewing with rage. This was how it would end – getting punished for his past crimes and hao Frieza on a silver ptter.


They arrived at a spaceship a few miles out of the city, Merus walking up the ramp and dumping Gohan onto the floor. When the boy looked up, he saw his worst fear – not only was Vegeta handcuffed, but so was his father. her were unscious, but they both sat with angry, bewildered expressions.


"Goddammit," Vegeta sneered. He aimed his eyes at Merus like a pair of poisonous darts. "When I'm out of this, you'll pay dearly!"


"Some way for this to go, huh?" Goku mented.


Merus ighem, looking straight ahead. "Gomayn! I'm back!"


Gohan's heart raced in blood-curdling anticipation as he overheard footsteps from behind the door a few feet away. When the doors slid open, the object of Gohan's pettiest hatred revealed itself. His stupid fug body suit. His stupid fug armor. His stupid fug green face. His stupid fug purple hair. And his stupid fug grin.


"Worthless fug pussy," Gohan spat through his teeth. "I'll rip you apart!"


"Whoa, an aggressive ohis is!" Gomayn said, with a theatrical, friendly delivery. "Thank God for those cuffs. We're fortuhat we caught these two here before the rest of Frieza's men arrived. This will cripple their efforts."


"This rodent is with Frieza his damn self!" Vegeta yelled to Merus.


"How else could we possibly know him?"

Transtion: "我们还能怎么可能认识他呢?"

"People say the craziest things to save their asses," Gomayn snickered. His face twisted into a hateful scowl. "We only know each other because you rotten scum purged my p! It was a miracle I even escaped and found a new home with the Gactic Patrol!"

Transtion: "人们会说最疯狂的话来保命," Gomayn窃笑着说道。他的脸扭曲成仇恨的怒容。“我们之所以认识,只是因为你这些卑劣的渣滓净化了我的星球!我能逃脱并找到银河巡逻队作为新家简直是个奇迹!"

Bullshit – all a bunch of bullshit. Gohan haplessly tried standing up to attack him, but could still hardly move.

Transtion: 胡扯 - 全都是一堆胡扯。Gohan无助地试图站起来攻击他,但仍然几乎无法动弹。

"I don't even know what Frieza looks like," Goku said. "I mean, yeah, I'm a Saiyan, and yeah, Gohan's my son, but I've lived here my whole life!"

Transtion: “我甚至不知道弗里沙长什么样,”Goku说。“我的意思是,是的,我是赛亚人,是的,Gohan是我的儿子,但我整个生命都生活在这里!”

Gomayn just shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. The sheer amount of lies are truly palpable, really."

Transtion: Gomayn只是摇了摇头。“啧啧啧,这么多谎言真是太明显了。”

Somehow, a tear filled the thespian's eye as he stifled a sniffle. "But the loss of my beautiful home world is a crime that has been corrected by sheer happenstance! You're here to pay for the senseless murder of Maguro!"

Transtion: 不知怎么的,一滴泪充满了这个戏剧演员的眼眶,他忍住了抽泣。“但我美丽家园的丧失是纯粹的偶然导致的犯罪!你们在这里是为了为Maguro的无谓谋杀付出代价!"

Full of fake vigomayn stormed tohan and kicked him in the face. "You son of a bitch! He didn't deserve it!" He stomped away at Gohan's face like an opportunistic dog until Merus pulled him off of him.

Transtion: 充满虚假的活力,Gomayn冲向Gohan,踢中了他的脸。“混蛋!他不应该这样!”他像一只机会主义的狗一样在Gohan的脸上猛踩,直到Merus将他拉开。

"Calm down, Gomayn! The job's already done. Let the w hahe rest."

Transtion: “冷静下来,Gomayn!任务已经完成了。让法律来处理剩下的事情。”"

Gomayn covered his mouth, shaking his head and "trying" tain" his posure. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The pain just still feels so fresh!"

Transtion: Gomayn捂住嘴巴,摇着头, "试图" "恢复" 镇定。“对不起,对不起。那种痛还是感觉那么新鲜!”

With his swelling with his pain, and his mind thirsting for murder, Gohaedly pulled his arms to snap the grip even if he knew deep down it wouldn't womayn's antics had had kicked rational thought out of him – he might as well have been ba the more violent, mindless version of his transformation.

Transtion: Gohan的痛苦不断膨胀,他的内心渴望着谋杀,尽管他心里明白这样做没有用。 Gomayn的花招让他失去了理智 - 他就像回到了更加暴力、无意识的变身状态。

"Look," Vegeta began, "I'll proudly admit to killing that worthless, fish-faced filth. But Kakarot and his son had nothing to do with it!"

Transtion: “听着,”Vegeta开始说,“我会自豪地承认杀死了那个毫无价值的,长得像鱼的渣滓。但卡卡罗特和他的儿子与此无关!”

"Oh, is that so?" Gomayn asked. "Well why don't you ask the man himself?"

Transtion: “哦,是吗?”Gomayn问道。“那你为什么不去问问那个人呢?”

Another man joihe party, tall, muscur, and bearing grey skin. His dark eyes sed the three Saiyans with a sadistic smile uing of a Gactic Patrolman. Though he couldn't access his Ki, Gohan could still sehers' – and this one carried an unusually ive presence. Really, Merus was the only in the room besides Goku that seemed altogether good.

Transtion: 另一个人加入了这场派对,身材高大,肌肉发达,肤色灰暗。他的黑眼睛带着一丝邪恶的笑容扫视着三个赛亚人,这与银河巡逻队员的形象格格不入。尽管他无法使用自己的气,Gohan仍然能感知到其他人的气 - 这个人带着一种异常负面的气场。实际上,除了Goku之外,Merus是房间里唯一看起来完全善良的人。

"What the hell?" Vegeta gasped. "I saw him die…I-I destroyed the whole p!"

Transtion: “他妈的?”Vegeta倒抽一口气。“我看到他死了...我...我摧毁了整个星球!”

"And it's a miracle that he returned like many of those who you filth murdered!" Gomayn interrupted.

Transtion: “他能够像你们那些肮脏的杀人犯一样复活,真是个奇迹!”Gomayn打断了说话。

"Of course," Gohan gasped. "The wish…but if you destroyed the whole p, Vegeta, then how is this guy back? I left out anybody with nothing to return to."

Transtion: "当然," Gohan喘息着说道。"那个愿望...但是如果你摧毁了整个星球,Vegeta,那这家伙是怎么回来的?我没有让任何没有回去的人留下来。"

"What wish?" Merus asked. "Doesn't matter!" Maguro sharply interrupted.

Transtion: "什么愿望?" Merus问道。"没关系!" Maguro尖锐地打断道。

"I…" he stopped and tapped his in thought, until Gomayn elbowed his ribs. "Oh! I woke up in spad was lucky I could breathe in the vacuum. Isn't that right, Gomayn?" Gohan raised an inquisitive eyebrow while Gomayn nodded.

Transtion: "我..." 他停下来,思索着摸了摸下巴,直到Gomayn用胳膊肘撞了他的肋骨。"哦!我在太空中醒来,很幸运我能在真空中呼吸。是这样的,对吗,Gomayn?" Gohan挑起了疑惑的眉毛,而Gomayn点了点头。

The Patrolman's voice seemed vaguely familiar even though he'd never met him before. And fuy describing his own revival, he sounded indecisive.

Transtion: 尽管以前从未见过,巡逻员的声音似乎有点熟悉。而对于一个描述自己复活的人来说,他听起来有些犹豫不决。

"Bullshit!" Vegeta shouted. "Gohan wasn't there, and I've known Kakarot here for all of a goddamn year!" He turo Merus. "How you not see what's happening here?!"

Transtion: "胡扯!" Vegeta喊道。"Gohan不在那里,而我认识这个该死的卡卡罗特已经一年了!" 他转向Merus。“你怎么看不到这里正在发生的事情?!"

"So what, are you going to tell me what I saw?" Maguro asked. For someone supposedly angry and vengeful, he sounded dht amused.

Transtion: "那么,你要告诉我我看到了什么吗?" Maguro问道。对于一个据说愤怒和复仇心切的人来说,他听起来相当愉快。

Gohan looked at Vegeta, who was staring at Maguro inquisitively, as if trying to decipher something about him.

Transtion: Gohan看着好奇地盯着Maguro的Vegeta,好像在试图解读他的某些东西。

Perhaps he erplexed by his voice as well.

Transtion: 或许他也对他的声音感到困惑。

"I think my work here is done," Merus replied. "I sense power from these three eveer than Frieza himself. With them apprehehe Namekian presence I sense here along with the Earthlings should be more than enough to handle a potential invasion. I'm afraid I'll have to go about my other errands."

Transtion: “我想我的工作在这里完成了,”Merus回答道。“我感觉到这三个人的力量甚至比弗利萨本人还要强大。他们被捕后,我在这里感应到的纳美克星人和地球人的存在应该足以应对潜在的入侵。恐怕我还得去做其他的事情。”

With a cheesy smile, Gomayn gave Merus a thumbs up. "All good, bro! You've done more than enough! Thanks again!"

Transtion: Gomayn带着一个俗气的微笑,竖起大拇指对Merus表示赞许。“太棒了,兄弟!你已经做得足够多了!再次感谢!”

Merus nodded with a smile. He stepped out of the ship arieved a small device from his pocket. After tossing it to the grass, it exploded into a ship identical to the one Gohan was imprisoned in. The teology was exactly the same as the capsules. After he hopped ihe ship took off.

Transtion: Merus微笑着点了点头。他走出飞船,从口袋里拿出一个小装置。在将其扔向草地后,它爆炸成了一艘与Gohan被囚禁的那艘飞船完全相同的飞船。这种技术与胶囊完全相同。他跳进飞船后,飞船起飞了。

Goha his eyes linger on the field, w the extent of that man's skill – it was no fluke that he was able to maneuver around him so easily, and clearly, he'd dohe same to his father aa. While he didn't sense much power from him, his skills were top-notch.

Transtion: Gohan的目光停留在田野上,思考着那个人的技巧到底有多高 - 他能够如此轻松地在他身边操控,显然他对他的父亲和Vegeta也是如此。虽然他感受不到他身上很多的力量,但他的技巧是一流的。

"Alright, what the hell is really going on here?" Vegeta asked to the other two quote-unquote Patrolmen. "You know damhese two look nothing like the big bald bastard and tall, hairy man that were with me that day. Are you so desperate for revenge you're w with this punk to hand me over to Frieza?"

Transtion: “好吧,到底发生了什么?”Vegeta对另外两个所谓的巡逻员问道。“你们他妈的很清楚,这两个人看起来根本不像那天和我在一起的那个大秃子混蛋和那个高个子毛茸茸的家伙。你们是如此渴望复仇,以至于与这个小混混合作,把我交给弗利萨吗?”

"It was quite the stroke of luck that this guy really did turn up alive again and could breathe in space," Gomayn said, gesturing towards his supposed ally. "Though his identity is a little different now. "

"是真幸运啊,这家伙竟然真的再次活过来了,并且还能在太空中呼吸,"戈迈恩说着,指向他所谓的盟友。 "尽管他的身份现在有点不同了。"

"Yeah, I feel like a whole new person, in fact," Maguro snickered. "I retty flicted about it, w with a guy like Frieza. But you know how it is, Veggie. Sometimes opinions…"

"是啊,实际上,我感觉就像是个全新的人,"马古罗嘿嘿笑着说道。 "和弗利萨这样的家伙一起工作让我很矛盾。 但你知道,贝吉塔,有时候意见会改变…"

Gohan aa both gasped at the same time. The moment Maguro said that demeaning o Vegeta uttered thousands of times before by a certain squadron, his voice fell an octave deeper. The sound beloo only one person…

Gohan和贝吉塔同时倒吸一口气。 在马古罗说出对贝吉塔所用过的那个贬低的绰号的瞬间,他的声音突然低沉了一个八度。 这个声音只属于一个人……


As Gohan shrieked, a beam of light escaped from Maguro's mouth aered his. While he didn't feel pain, his visio white while he found himself in a daze, like he could pass out at any sed. Without physically moving, he felt his preseraveling around. After a few seds, the white light faded and brought Gohan back to the normal world. Disoriented, he frantically looked around to verify his surroundings. He was still in the ship, and his father aa were still sitting against the wall with their hands cuffed up, shutting their eyes from the light. Oher hand, Gohan was now standing even though he didn't even remember getting up, and it was only then that he realized that Goku aa were now sitting against the opposite side of the room. And then, when Gohan looked straight head, he id his eyes ora part of it all.

当悟饭尖叫时,一束光从马古罗的嘴里射出,并进入了他的身体。 虽然他没有感到痛苦,但他的视野变得白茫茫的,他感到有点恍惚,就像随时可能昏倒。 没有实际移动,他感觉到自己的存在在四处游走。 几秒钟后,白光消失了,将悟饭带回了现实世界。 他感到困惑,疯狂地四处张望以确认周围的环境。 他还在飞船上,他的父亲和贝吉塔仍然坐在墙边,双手被铐住,闭着眼睛避免光线。 另一方面,悟饭现在站着,尽管他甚至不记得自己站起来,直到此刻他才意识到悟空和贝吉塔现在坐在房间的对面。 然后,当悟饭直视前方时,他的眼睛落在了这一切中最奇怪的部分。

Why was he now looking at himself ughing maniacally with that gravelly voice, and why was Gomayn removing his cuffs?

"Now this is power!"



Gohan wondered if he was actually unscious – why else was he now looking at his own self marveling at his power while speaking in the distinctive, gravelly voice of the Frieza Force's seost etric member. Goku aa looked simirly perplexed, darting bad forth between Gohan and, well…Gohan.

悟饭想知道他是否真的昏迷了 - 否则他为什么会看着自己以令人惊叹的力量自夸,同时用弗利萨军队第二位最古怪成员独特的低沉声音说话。 悟空和贝吉塔看起来也很困惑,在悟饭和,嗯...悟饭之间来回张望。

"What the hell's going on?" Gohan demanded.


Goku aa both turo Gohan with stunned gasps, leaving the boy to wonder what was so off. It was only then that he realized he was no longer wearing his purple & gold armor, but bck tights. On top of that, he felt taller. Stra of all, Gomayn hahe boy that was supposed to be Gohan a scouter.

悟空和贝吉塔都惊讶地转向悟饭,让悟饭好奇地想知道出了什么问题。 直到那时,他才意识到自己不再穿着紫金色的盔甲,而是黑色的紧身衣。 除此之外,他感觉自己变高了。 最奇怪的是,戈迈恩将原本应该是悟饭的探测器递给了他。

"G-Gohan…?!" Goku asked, in disbelief towards his own son.


"What in the world…?!" Vegeta wheezed.


The body formerly known as Gohan ughed as he slipped his scouter over his eye. "Gohan, Veggie…, guys! I know it's been a while, but surely yhe voice of the Captain!"

曾经被称为悟饭的身体笑了起来,他将探测器戴在眼睛上。 “悟饭,贝吉塔……嘿,伙计们!虽然有些时日不见了,但你们肯定能认出船长的声音吧!”
