第24章 决战24(1/1)
"Don't bother – this is as far as you'll go," Piccolo vowed, p up even if he doubted his own words.
Ginyu clicked the red button on his scouter to run a s. "Holy crap, it's got you at 900K! Thank the stars I stole this body…I guess they kept this p off the books all this time to spare us!"
吉纽点击探测器上的红色按钮来进行扫描。 “天哪,它显示你的战力为900K!谢天谢地我偷了这具身体...我猜他们一直没有将这个星球记录下来是为了保护我们!”
The Earth's makeshift crew of fighters all looked at each other, knowing what o be done. Individually, they couldn't take Gohan, but a bined bst at the right moment could defeat him. They all dove at once, but Ginyu flew high into the air and released a stream of bsts. As Piccolo and the others khem away, he flew ahead. As they chased him down, he kept bsting away – but not that at them. He aimed his attacks indiscriminately at any and all things down below, hoping that would divert the Earthlings' attention.
地球的临时战斗团队彼此对视,心知肚明该做什么。 单独而言,他们无法击败悟饭,但在合适的时机进行联合攻击可能会战胜他。 他们同时冲向悟饭,但吉纽高飞入空中,释放出一连串的能量弹。 当比克洛和其他人将这些能量弹击退时,他飞向前方。 当他们追赶吉纽时,他继续不断释放能量弹,但并不直接对准他们。 他的攻击毫不选择地打向下方的任何物体,希望能够分散地球人的注意力。
g not for the colteral damage, Piccolo stretched both of his arms out and grabbed Ginyu's stole before pulling him into a lethal Ki bst. He suspected that Ginyu hadn't adjusted to his new body's power, making it imperative to take him down before he tapped into the true nature of Gohan's strength. Fog his mind and Ki, he unleashed his special teique.
毫不在意附带的伤害,比克洛伸出双臂,抓住吉纽偷来的脚,然后将他拉入致命的气功波中。 他怀疑吉纽还没有适应他新身体的力量,所以必须在他掌握悟饭真正力量的本质之前将他击败。 集中心神和气,他释放出他的特殊技巧。
紫色的气场笼罩下,比克洛用手肘冲向吉纽,并将他击中胸口,使他摔倒在一片绿色的森林中。 莱皮斯和拉祖利紧随其后,用双重能量波追击,留下一场巨大的爆炸。
"Let's try not go too hard!" Lapis called out. "如果真正的悟饭还在这里,我们要确保他有一个活着的身体可以回到!"
Piccolo and Lazuli nodded. 这是一个糟糕的两难境地-如果他们退缩,他们就会死,但如果不退缩,悟饭不会死,但可能会被困在一个力量可能太弱无法发挥作用的身体里。
"You idiots better worry about keeping yourselves alive, first!"
Ginyu flew from the smoke with a few bruises and tears to Gohan's outfit, but appeared fine. 他带着一些淤伤和对悟饭的服装的破损从烟雾中飞出来,但看起来还好。 他握紧拳头,集中了占据的身体内的能量。 “我知道你们这种人的伎俩-你们的实力比探测器显示的要强。 但无论我身处哪个身体,我也知道如何控制自己的能力水平!一旦我在这孩子身上开始动手,你们都将一文不值!”
The trio of fighters pounced on Ginyu with a barrage of punches and kicks. 然后,这三名战士向吉纽发动了一连串的拳脚攻击。 然而,以他敏捷、身材矮小的身体,吉纽往往能够躲避他们的攻击,躲闪、穿梭和飞来飞去。 然而,每个角落都带他到另一个地球人-首先是天津和饺子用两束道敦光束击中他,用黄色的光束从他们的手指尖电击他。 克林随即加入,并用两脚狠狠地踢了他两下,将他正好击中了山茶球。
Ginyu fell to the ground, overwhelmed by the numbers. 吉纽倒在地上,被众多敌人压倒。 After dusting himself off, he scowled up above. 整理一下自己的衣服后,他怒视着上方。
"Where's your valor?! Fight me solo like men, cowards!"
"Well then I'm afraid we've reached an impasse," Ginyu answered as he curled his arms back, gathering his energy. "那么恐怕我们陷入了僵局,"吉纽回答道,他把手臂收回,聚集能量。
All of Earth's fighters raised their power to their heights, preparing their special attacks to bat whatever Ginyu had pnned. 地球的所有战士都发挥出自己的最强力量,准备使用特殊攻击来对抗吉纽所计划的一切。
Piccolo had both arms curled back so he could try that deceptive scattershot from a year earlier that nearly did away Avo and Cado. 然后,他突然注意到天空中的一道闪光- 一颗彗星吗?
Or rather, hundreds of ets. 或者说,数百颗彗星。
"Aww yeah, looks like our uests just made it past the pay window!" Ginyu yelled. "哦耶,看起来我们的其他客人刚刚闯过了关卡!"吉纽大喊道。
Those weres – they were space pods ripping through the sky like bsts, crashing all over the pd robbih's warriors of their attention. 那些不是彗星- 它们是太空舱像爆炸一样穿过天空,四处坠落,让地球战士们分散了注意力。
"Shit, we're too te!" Krillin said. "该死,我们来晚了!"克林说道。 "This just went from bad to worse."
"If you guys are gonoo busy w about the people then take care of that instead of being distracted! The twins and I hahis."
"Are you sure?!" Yamcha asked.
Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu fleith haste. Krillin、Yamcha、Tien和Chiaotzu匆匆飞离。 Piccolo looked up, watg the pods fall but still not sensing the stro Ki signature on the p yet. 皮克罗抬头看着空降的太空舱,但仍然无法感受到行星上最强的气功迹象。 It seemed like Frieza was taking the deyed route, which gave him enough time to either defeat Ginyu or hopefully get him out of Gohan's body before the worst invader of them all showed himself. 看起来弗利萨选择了延迟的路线,这给了他足够的时间,要么击败吉纽,要么希望能在最糟糕的入侵者露面之前让他离开悟饭的身体。
As Piccolo, Lapis, and Lazuli desded to the ground, Ginyu chuckled. 当皮克罗、蓝宝石和拉祖利降落到地面时,吉纽笑了起来。 Seeing the normally restrained face of Gohan dispy suimated bloodlust threw Piccolo off. 看到悟饭通常克制的面孔展示出如此活跃的嗜血欲望,让皮克罗感到困惑。
"That was a big mistake telling them to leave. Not that they gave you a real ce, but you could've prolonged your life."
"Don't be absurd," Piccolo said. "别胡说八道,"皮克罗说道。 "The three of us take you. Even if you have Gohan's body, there's more than just physical power. If your mind and your body aren't perfectly in sync, you're not even scratg the surface of what he's capable of. 我们三个可以击败你。即使你拥有悟饭的身体,力量远不止于此。如果你的心智和身体没有完美地同步,你甚至没有触及他的潜力的表面。"
"Y'sure about that?"
"Damn right we are," Lapis cut in. "的确,我们确定,"蓝宝石插话道。 "And even though Gohan's a kid, he's more of a man in that body than you'll ever be. "即使悟饭是个孩子,他在那个身体里比你更有男人味。"
"Prove it, then!"
Piccolo looked bad forth at the twins oher side of him. Piccolo左右看着身边的双胞胎。 It was straeaming up with these two again after all the time that had passed. 在经过了这么长时间之后,再次与这两个人合作,感觉有些奇怪。 He woke them up frero's boratory to use them as nothing more than attack dogs to wreak havo Earth in his name. 他把他们从Dr.Gero的实验室中唤醒,仅仅是为了让他们成为攻击狗,在他的名义下对地球造成破坏。 Now, they were defending the Earth as equals against some maniac occupying the body of Goku's son. 现在,他们作为平等的人一起保卫地球,对抗占据了孙悟空儿子身体的疯子。
But even though it was weird, it felt right.
The three stampeded Ginyu, Lazuli taking the lead. 三人向吉纽冲去,蓝宝石带头。 While the two men attacked him head on, Lazuli jumped in the and unched a bst. 两个男人正面攻击他,蓝宝石跳进来发射了一道能量弹。 Ginyu was nothing if not smart, however, and rather than distract himself to test her attack, he simply blew her bst and the two warriors away with a burst of Ki. 然而,吉纽非常聪明,他没有分散注意力与她对抗,而是用一股气功将她的能量弹和两名战士吹飞。 Lazuli came down with two fists but only hit two forearms, and then Ginyu deftly ducked a pair of kicks from her brother and Piccolo. 蓝宝石两拳下来,只击中两个前臂,然后吉纽灵巧地躲过了她兄弟和皮克罗的一对踢腿。 The men tried phasing behind him and striking with a sneak attack, but he sheir efforts out with a kick from either leg without even turning around. 两个男人试图闪现到他身后,进行偷袭,但他仅仅用一条腿的踢击就将他们的努力扑灭,甚至不需要转身。
and still had enough time to punch Lazuli iomach. 并且还有足够的时间击打了蓝宝石的肚子。 By the time all three recovered, Ginyu was in the air and firing a Ki wave for each of them. 等到三人恢复过来时,吉纽已经在空中为每个人发射了一道气功波。
Even though all three escaped by the skin of their teeth, the shockwaves of the ensuing explosion khem down. 尽管三人勉强逃脱,但随后爆炸的冲击波将他们击倒。 pounding things? The minor tremors from all the space pods nding. 更糟糕的是?所有太空舱着陆带来的轻微震动。 Hell, when Lazuli tried to get ba the attack, she had to bst away a silver pod that torpedht at her and earned a kick to her face for the distra. 当蓝宝石试图再次进攻时,她不得不击毁了一枚朝她直射而来的银色太空舱,并因此分散注意力而被踢中了脸部。 Taking advantage of his nifty speed, he snuck behind Lapis and Piccolo and struck them both down. 利用自己灵活的速度优势,他悄悄地从拉皮斯和皮克罗的背后袭击了他们。
The trio snapped back up and flew away troup, ag and already winded. 三人迅速起身,飞走重新集结,感到疼痛并且已经喘不过气来。
"I hate to say it, but he might already be getting the hang of that kid's body," Lazuli observed. "我不愿意说,但他可能已经开始适应那个孩子的身体了,"蓝宝石观察到。
"I know," Piccolo grumbled. "我知道,"皮克罗咕哝道。
"He probably wouldn't even know how to reach that other form, though," Lapis said. "虽然他可能不知道如何达到那种形态,"拉皮斯说道。 "That imitation Kaio-Ken of yours could push you past him as he is, couldn't it, Piccolo?" "你的模仿界王拳可以让你超越他,就像他现在一样,不是吗,皮克罗?"
Piccolo ughed bitterly. 皮克罗苦笑道。 "Unfortunately, the Mao-Ke exactly agree with my body chemistry. "不幸的是,猫拳与我的体质并不完全适应。 A sustained double is the best I do, and I'm pretty sure that'll still fall short. "我能做到的最好的是持续双倍,但我敢肯定那仍然不够。
As they strategized, Ginyu swung his head bad cackled into the air. 当他们制定战略时,吉纽摇摆着头,哈哈大笑。 "Go ahead! e up with whatever stupid pn you want! Yonna die either way!" "来吧!你们尽管想出任何愚蠢的计划吧!不管怎样,你们都会死!"
Piccolo shot him a deathly gre and resumed chatting with the twins. 皮克罗恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼,然后继续与孪生兄妹交谈。 "There's oack, though I'm hesitant of doing it because it'll kill the kid's body without a doubt." "有一种攻击,虽然我不太愿意使用,因为毫无疑问会杀死那孩子的身体。"
"If it's what I'm thinking, just make sure you miss the vitals, I guess," Lapis said. "如果是我所想的,只要确保你不要伤及关键部位,我想是可以的,"蓝宝石说道。
"The only question is, I get a shot?" "唯一的问题是,我能否找到一个清晰的攻击机会?"
Lapis turowards Piccolo with a rexed smile. 蓝宝石转向皮克罗,露出轻松的笑容。 "I'll hold him down." "我来压制他。"
"Don't be ridiculous!" Lazuli snapped. "别胡说八道!"莱祖莉怒喝道。 "You've already been brought back by the Dragon Balls once. "If he needs somebody to hold it down, it'll be me. 你已经被龙珠复活过一次了。 如果他需要有人压制,那个人就是我。"
Lapis shrugged. 蓝宝石耸了耸肩。 "Suit yourself." "随你的便。"
"Like I said, we won't go for the vitals. 就像我说的,我们不会攻击关键部位。 And if it fails, well…I'm not the married twin, am I?" 而且,如果失败了,嗯...我可不是已婚的孪生姐妹,不是吗?"
"Fug idiot..." "该死的白痴..."
Even Piccolo shook his head at Lapis' reckless bravery. 即使是皮克罗也对蓝宝石的鲁莽勇敢感到摇头。 The hothead had bee selfless to a fault – but then again, so was Goku, and Piccolo was virtually helpless to defeat him in a fair fight. 这个性急的家伙变得过于无私 - 但话说回来,悟空也是如此,而皮克罗在公平的战斗中几乎无法击败他。 If there was any way to win, it was like this. 如果有什么办法能赢,那就是这样。
"Just distract him for me, will ya Laz?" "帮我分散他的注意力,好吗,莱祖?"
"Whatever." "随你便。"
Lazuli thrust forward, firing a stream of bsts at Ginyu. 莱祖莉向前冲,向吉纽发射一连串的能量弹。 While the soldier in Gohan's body warded them off, Lapis got behind him with lightning speed and grabbed his arms. 当穿着孙悟饭身体的士兵抵挡住这些攻击时,蓝宝石以闪电般的速度从背后抓住了他的手臂。 As all this was going on, Piccolo stuck two sparking fio his head and focused his power, trating it all to a single point. 就在这一切发生的时候,皮克罗把两个闪电般的手指放在头上,集中自己的力量,将其全部集中到一个点上。
After driving a ko his baeasure, Lapis successfully locked Ginyu into a full nelson. 在对他的背部施加了一个膝盖的打击之后,蓝宝石成功地将吉纽锁在了一个全尼尔森中。 "NOW, PICCOLO!" "现在,皮克罗!"
"Got it!" Piccolo yelled with a bloodthirsty smile. "明白了!"皮克罗大声喊道,露出嗜血的笑容。
However, a beam ripped through his knee before he could even thrust his arm, sending him to the ground and whittling his Ki away. 然而,在他甚至来得及伸出手臂之前,一道光束穿过了他的膝盖,将他送到了地面上,并消耗了他的气。 He tried rolling over and seeing who dared to attack him from behind, but he didn't even have the strength to do that. 他试图翻身看看谁胆敢从背后袭击他,但他甚至没有足够的力气做到这一点。 Making matters worse, Ginyu smmed his head into Lapis' to break his hold and gri his assistance. 更糟糕的是,吉纽猛烈地将头撞向蓝宝石的头,打破了他的控制,并对他的帮助咧嘴一笑。
"Gomayn, my boy! Way to e through in the clutch!" "戈迈恩,我的孩子!在关键时刻挺身而出!"
The green rat with purple hair, Gomayn, smirked at his pointed finger like a smoking gun. 绿毛紫发的老鼠戈迈恩,冷笑着看着他指着的手指,就像一把冒烟的枪。 "I do what I , Captain." “我尽力而为,船长。”
Piccolo grumbled, knowing it was the one Lapis had struck down earlier without looking behind. 皮克罗咕哝着,知道这正是蓝宝石之前被击倒而不回头的那个家伙。 Ahead of him, Ginyu struck dowwins with a pair of brutal strikes and put him ba his sights, folding his arms in triumph. 在他前面,吉纽用一对残酷的打击击败了孪生兄弟,将他重新纳入视线,并举起双臂,得意地交叉在胸前。
"Well, well, well…pardon me for being a little on the nose, Namekian, but I don't think you have much of a leg to stand on anymore!" “嗯,嗯,嗯...恕我直言,纳美克人,但我觉得你已经没有脚立在地面上了!”
"Is that so?" Piccolo asked with unwavering fidence. “是吗?”皮克罗问道,信心十足。 He limped up to his feet while trating his Ki around his hand, and then, in a swift, gruesome motion, literally cut himself off at the knee. 他一瘸一拐地站起身来,同时将气聚集在手中,然后以迅猛而令人恐惧的动作,直接割掉了自己的膝盖。 Despite being proud space pirates, both Ginyu and Gomayn shrieked in mortified disgust. 尽管他们是自豪的太空海盗,吉纽和戈迈恩仍然发出了恐惧和厌恶的尖叫声。
"My God, man!" Ginyu yelled, shielding his eyes. “我的天啊,伙计!”吉纽大声喊道,掩住了他的眼睛。 "I've heard of a peace , but that's a little much!" “我听说过和平的象征,但这也太过分了!”
With a snicker, Piccrew the leg, whily drove the two fighters to even mags and dry heaves. 皮克罗嘿嘿一笑,重新长出了腿,这只是让这两个战士更加恶心和干呕。
"I'll never get used to that," Lapis weakly chuckled, lying down on the ground. “我永远也不会习惯这个,”蓝宝石虚弱地笑着躺在地上。
Piccolo stretched his new leg out, catg his breath. Though the regeio him with less deadweight, it took siderable energy. "I'll tell you what – you keep your little errand boy out of this, and I'll keep the twins out of this, too. It'll be just me and you, one-on-one. " 皮克罗伸出他的新腿,喘息片刻。 尽管再生让他少了一些负担,但它消耗了相当多的能量。 “我告诉你吧 - 你让你的小跑腿别插手这件事,我也让孪生兄弟别插手这件事。 只剩下我和你,一对一。”
Ginyu nodded. "Despite what my proclivity for stealing bodies may indicate, I'm actually quite the fair man. And seeing as how you have no hope of taking me one-ohen sure – as the kids say, I get down with that! Why don't you get started oies, Gomayhe rest of the Ginyu Forow I've got the hard parts handled. " 吉纽点了点头。 “尽管我偷窃身体的倾向可能表明了什么,但我实际上是一个非常公平的人。 鉴于你没有希望一个对一个击败我,那好吧 - 就像孩子们说的,我可以接受这个!你为什么不开始处理城市,戈迈恩?让其他金牛座成员知道我已经处理了困难的部分。”
"10-4!" “了解!” After Gomayn fleiccolo crouched down and took a deep breath. Staring at the body of the half-Saiyan standing across, Piccolo thought back to his times in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with its rightful owner. Day after day of striving to keep up, pushing himself to surpass both him and his father. He hadn't quite hit the mark, but all that meant was a wall to tinue climbing. 在戈迈恩飞走后,皮克罗蹲下身子,深吸了一口气。 他凝视着站在对面的半个赛亚人的身体,回想起他与那个正当主人一起在超时空房间的时光。 日复一日地努力跟上,推动自己超越他和他的父亲。 他还没有完全达到目标,但这只意味着继续攀爬的一道墙。
Piccolo knew he didn't have much hope. 皮克罗知道他没有多大希望。
But he owed it to Gohan to give this imposter his best shot. 但他欠戈汉一个机会,要尽全力对付这个冒名顶替者。
Dragging his father aa out of the ship was as far as Gohan could get before rolling over and clutg his stomach. The bastards had pnned so far ahead that not only was there no sign of a key foku aa's cuffs, there wasn't even a first-aid kit. Gohan was left to clutch his wound and potentially bleed out in a body that wasn't even his. Making matters worse, he could sehe Ki signatures from space closing in. The invasion was truly underway. 在将父亲和贝吉塔从飞船上拖出来之前,这已经是孙悟饭能做到的最远的距离,然后他翻了个身,抱着肚子。 这帮混蛋计划得如此周到,以至于不仅看不到钥匙来解开悟空和贝吉塔的手铐,甚至连急救箱都没有。 孙悟饭只能抱着伤口,有可能在一个并非他的身体中流血而亡。 更糟糕的是,他能感觉到从太空中逼近的气息。 入侵正式开始了。
"We've gotta find a way to get to Korin…" Goku said, catg his breath. That stungun had still done a number on him. "Hell, even Bulma…" “我们必须找到办法去找到神仙水…”悟空喘着气说道。 那个电击枪对他的影响仍然很大。 “该死,甚至布尔玛…”
Gohan only answered with a cough. He had tried gathering enough energy to just break the cuffs, but that left him with an injured wrist, too. After getting back up to one knee, he fell right back down, w if he could ever move again in this cursed vessel. 孙悟饭只是咳嗽作答。 他曾试图聚集足够的能量来打破手铐,但这也让他手腕受伤了。 重新站起来后,他又立即倒了下去,想知道自己是否能再次在这个受诅咒的飞船上行动。
Suddenly, he heard a loud crash, the impact prompting him to lift his head up. Suspeg it to be a space pod nding, he foolishly tried getting up to fight. 突然,他听到了一声巨响,撞击声使他抬起头。 他怀疑这是一个太空舱着陆,他愚蠢地试图站起来战斗。
"Shit, your dad's gonna kill you! I told you not to try driving it!" “该死,你爸爸会杀了你的!我告诉你别试着开它!”
"It's okay, he's got three of them. “没事,他有三个。”
I think that's them over there, anyway!" 我觉得就是他们在那边,无论如何!
It was two voices from way off in the distahat he could actually hear – apparently this body at least had one be. From the sound of it, girls. Squinting his eyes, he saw a smoking car smashed against a rock, rather than a spaceship. 他真的听到了从远处传来的两个声音——显然这个身体至少有一个好处。 从声音来看,是女孩的声音。 他眯起眼睛,看到一辆冒烟的车被撞到了石头上,而不是一艘宇宙飞船。
"I really don't think this is a good idea, Videl…" “我真的觉得这不是一个好主意,维黛尔……”
Videl? What the hell was she doing here? Gohan knew she had stupidly tried attag Merus, but she should have listeo his advice to stand down. Sure enough, Gohan saw two teenage girls stumble onto the se, stopping to double over and catch their breath ohey got close enough. 维黛尔?她到底在这里干什么?悟饭知道她曾愚蠢地试图攻击梅鲁斯,但她应该听从他的建议放下武器。 果然,悟饭看到两个少年女孩跌跌撞撞地走到现场,一旦他们靠近到足够近,就停下来弯腰喘气。
"Whoa, who's that?" Goku asked. "And what're they even doin' out here?" “哇,那是谁?”悟空问道。 “她们到底在这里做什么?”
"Goddammit…." Gohan grumbled. “该死……”悟饭嘟囔道。
Videl and her ditzy blonde friend, Erasa, rushed to the three wounded warriors. "Aww man, it looks like this guy has had it rough…" “哎呀,看起来这家伙受伤很严重……”维黛尔和她那个糊涂的金发朋友埃拉莎冲向那三位受伤的战士。
"Wait a minute," Vegeta said. "It's you." “等一下,”贝吉塔说道。 “就是你。”
Videl and Erasa looked at each other in fusion until Videl poio herself. "Who? Me? Do I know you?!" 维黛尔和埃拉莎困惑地相互看着,直到维黛尔指着自己。 “谁?我吗?我认识你吗?!”
At the very limits of his patience, Vegeta gred at the teenage girl. "Are you pying stupid, or what? Yohan's loudmouth girlfriend that used to work for Kab and escaped with Kiyomi, are you not?" 在他耐心的极限之下,贝吉塔怒视着这个少女。 “你在装傻吗?你是悟饭那个吵闹的女朋友,曾经在卡布内特工作,和清美一起逃脱的,不是吗?”
Both girls gawked at Vegeta like he eaking a new nguage "What?!" 两个女孩像是听到一种新语言一样惊讶地盯着贝吉塔。“什么?!”
"It's…not her…" Gohan wheezed. "Not…Arepa…" “不是……她……”悟饭喘着气说道。“不是……阿雷帕……”
"Hold on, why is this guy talking with Gohan's voice?" Videl asked, pointing at the tall, grey warrior nursing himself in the grass. "And why are you guys tied up, too?" “等一下,为什么这个家伙用着悟饭的声音说话?”维黛尔指着那个站在草地上的高大的灰色战士问道。“而且你们为什么被绑着?”
"It's a looooong story," Goku said. "And how do you know my son, anyway?" “这是个很长很长的故事,”悟空说道。“而且你们怎么认识我的儿子呢?”
"Son…?" Videl asked, before the light bulb hit her. "Oh! That makes you Son Goku, then!" She extended her hand. "It's an honor, sir!" “儿子……?”维黛尔问道,然后恍然大悟。“哦!那你就是孙悟空了!”她伸出手。“见到您真是荣幸!”
Goku looked at her hand and awkwardly ughed, gesturing behind his back to his cuffed hands. 悟空看着她的手,尴尬地笑了笑,向自己背后指了指被铐着的手。
"ht," Videl said, blushing with embarrassment. “哦,对了,”维黛尔尴尬地红着脸说道。
"You two…you gotta get out of here!" Gohan yelled, straining himself just by speaking. "There's not much time!" “你们俩……你们必须离开这里!”悟饭喊道,甚至说话都感到吃力。 “时间不多了!”
"Okay, what's going on?" Videl asked, impatiently folding her arms. "Who was that cute guy from space? Who's this guy? And where's Gohan?" “好了,到底发生了什么?”维黛尔不耐烦地双臂交叉。“那个来自太空的帅哥是谁?这个人是谁?悟饭在哪里?”
"I'm Gohan," said the injured, grey-skinned man. "I've lost my body." “我是悟饭,”那个受伤的、灰色皮肤的男子说道。“我失去了我的身体。”
Erasa grimaced and grabbed her friend's shoulders. "Alright, Videl, let's turn back. This is too freaking weird for us." 埃拉莎皱了皱眉,抓住朋友的肩膀。 “好吧,维黛尔,我们回去吧。 这对我们来说太奇怪了。”
Videl shoved her hand away. "Hold on. It…sounds like him, at least." 她推开了她的手。 “等一下。 至少听起来像他。”她弯下腰,仔细观察着这个新身体。 “我的名字是什么?”
In all hoy, his delirious mindstate almost made him say Arepa. But he mao answer. "Videl…" 说实话,他陶醉的精神状态几乎让他说出“阿雷帕”这个名字。 但他还是设法回答了。 “维黛尔……”
The distant doppelganger incredulously ughed and shook her head. "sidering all the other weird shit you do, I'm just gonna roll with it. How I help you guys?" 那个遥远的影像副本不可思议地笑了笑,摇了摇头。 “考虑到你们还有其他一堆奇怪的事情,我就顺其自然吧。 我能帮你们什么忙?”
"Well, unless you fly, not much," Goku said. "I think you guys oughta take cover. It's about to get really nasty out here." “嗯,除非你会飞,否则没什么办法,”悟空说道。 “我想你们最好躲起来。 外面即将变得非常糟糕。”
"There's gotta be something!" Videl replied with determination in her blue eyes. "A hospital, a key, anything…?" “一定还有办法!”维黛尔坚决地回答道,她的蓝眼睛中充满了决心。 “医院、钥匙,任何东西……”
"Sorry…" Goku remarked. However, his eyes quickly lit up. "Oh, wait!" “对不起……”悟空说道。 然而,他的眼睛很快亮了起来。 “哦,等等!”
Goku looked up at the clouds. "FLYING NIMBUS!" 悟空抬头望着云层。 “筋斗云!”
Suddenly very alert, Gohan looked up in the sky. It had been ages since he had heard that call, but he kly what it meant. A few moments ter, a puffy yellow cloud rushed in, stopping short of the party of five. Even while quite literally not being himself, Gohan couldn't stop his nostalgic smile upon seeing that cloud again. Videl and Erasa, oher hand, jumped away in shock. 突然警觉起来,悟饭抬头望着天空。 自从他听到那个呼唤声已经过了很久,但他清楚地知道那是什么意思。 几秒钟后,一朵蓬松的黄色云朵飞速而来,停在了五人小组的前方。 即使他在现在真的不是自己,悟饭在看到那朵云时还是忍不住怀旧的微笑。 而维黛尔和埃拉莎则惊恐地跳开了。
"What in the world?!" Videl yelled while Erasa poked it. “这是什么鬼东西?!”维黛尔尖叫道,而埃拉莎戳了戳云朵。
"Alright, girls, I'ma need y'all to do me a solid," Goku began. "Just lift my body up onto that cloud. And then you'll have to stack these other two on top of me. " “好了,女孩们,我需要你们帮我一个忙,”悟空开始说道。 “把我的身体举到那朵云上。 然后你们还得把其他两个人叠放在我上面。”
"What?!" Vegeta interrupted. "There's enough room on that cloud for all three of us!" “什么?!”贝吉塔打断了他的话。 “那朵云上有足够的空间放下我们三个人!”
"Yeah, but you 'n Gohan would kinda fall through it," Goku replied. While Vegeta scoffed, Gohan frowhough he always k was the case. “是啊,但你和悟饭可能会掉下去。”悟空回答道。 贝吉塔嗤之以鼻,而悟饭皱起了眉头,尽管他一直知道这个道理。
"Uh, sure, we do that," Videl said, her eyes stantly drifting to the cloud. "I'm probably gonna need a hand, Erasa. " “嗯,好的,我们可以做到,”维黛尔说道,她的眼睛不断地望向云朵。 “埃拉莎,我可能需要你的帮忙。”
The blonde shook her head. "God, I am never smoking weed again…" 金发女孩摇了摇头。 “天啊,我再也不会抽大麻了……”
Videl rolled her eyes and lifted Goku by his foot, while Erasa eventually grabbed his shoulders and gingerly pced him on top of the cloud. 维黛尔翻了翻白眼,用脚抬起悟空,而埃拉莎最终抓住他的肩膀,小心翼翼地放在云朵上方。
"Alright, I'm gonna try to make this as not-awkward as possible," Videl said as she and Erasa lifted Vegeta up and pced him back-first across Goku's chest so they could y in an X-formation. "好吧,我会尽量让这不尴尬起来,"维黛尔说道,她和埃拉莎抬起贝吉塔,将他背对着悟空的胸膛,让他们呈交叉的形式躺下。 Vegeta表达了他的不满,但他没有任何能力改变这种情况。
They rolled Gohan onto his bad promptly doubled in over in horror at the wound in his stomach. 他们把悟饭翻到背面,立即因他肚子上的伤口而惊恐地翻滚。
"Holy shit!" Videl shrieked. "How are you alive, dude?" "天啊!"维黛尔尖叫道。 "你怎么还活着,老兄?"
Befohan could say anything, Vegeta loudly growled. "That's why you o hurry the hell up!" 在悟饭说出任何话之前,贝吉塔大声咆哮。 "这就是为什么你需要赶快的原因!"
Wary of ing the fme-haired Saiyan's temper, they lifted his current body up. "Well, I hope you have no problem with getting blood on you, short dude. " 出于对这个火红发色的赛亚人脾气的忧虑,他们抬起他的当前身体。 "好吧,我希望你不介意沾上血,小家伙。"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" "你说什么?!"
Erasa ran away backwards from the cloud as soon as she got Gohan up, wanting nothing to do with the primal rage oa's face. 埃拉莎一旦抬起悟饭,就立即朝着云朵后退,不愿与贝吉塔脸上的原始愤怒扯上关系。
"Phew," Videl sighed. "Alright, that should do it. Uh...good luck, and please get your body back, Gohan. "呼,"维黛尔叹了口气。 "好了,就这样吧。 嗯...祝你好运,悟饭,请尽快找回你的身体。
"Just get somewhere safe," Goku advised. "找个安全的地方去吧,"悟空建议道。
"Yes, LET'S," Eras urgently told her daredevil friend. "是的,快去吧,"埃拉莎急切地告诉她胆大的朋友。
"Alright, off to Korin's toku shouted before the Flying Nimbus flew straight up in to the sky and then in a direct line ahead, leaving the two teenage girls to wonder what in the hell they just saw. "好了,去科林塔吧!"悟空大声喊道,然后飞行云顺着直线飞向天空,把两个少女留在那里,让她们纳闷自己刚才到底看到了什么。
As the Nimbus cloud glided through the skies, the invasion they had dreaded became a reality, space pods s in from the heights of the Earth's atmosphere. 当飞行云在天空中滑行时,他们曾经恐惧的入侵变成了现实,太空舱从地球大气层的高处飞来。
"Whelp, they're here," Goku said, sweating bullets. "哎呀,他们来了,"悟空说着,汗如雨下。
One such pod came st right at the cloud. While the Nimbus was autonomous and fast enough to dodge it, Gohan aa fell off. Goku screamed, but the cloud fortuook a detour and caught both before they could spt to the ground. Still, it was a treacherous turn that may have ended Gohan's life iate his current body was in. 其中一架太空舱朝着飞行云猛冲而来。 尽管飞行云自主操作且足够快速躲避,但悟饭和贝吉塔掉了下来。 悟空尖叫起来,但云朵幸运地绕道而行,接住了两人,使他们没有掉到地面上。 然而,这是一次危险的转折,可能会结束悟饭在他当前的身体状态下的生命。
"Make this bsted cloud hurry the hell up!" Vegeta demanded. "让这该死的云快点!"贝吉塔要求道。
Goku tilted his head towards the yellow fluff. "Well, you heard him, Nimbus!" 悟空把头歪向黄色的蓬松物体。 "好吧,你们听到他了,云朵!"
The Flying Nimbus zipped ahead with greater speed, traversing more safely amongst the shower of space pods. 随着更大的速度前进,飞行云在太空舱的雨中更安全地穿行。
With every passing sphere, Gohan grew angrier, yearning to hand Gomayn and Ginyu their receipts for their bullshit tactics. 随着每一个经过的太空舱,悟饭变得越来越愤怒,渴望向哥美恩和吉尼亚出示他们愚蠢策略的回报。
He would resort to whatever was necessary to get his body back. 他将不惜一切手段来找回自己的身体。
As they got clohan realized they were in the same region he flew through when ing to and from God's Lookout. 当他们越来越近时,悟饭意识到他们正处于他来回往神界眺望的那个区域。
Nimbus reached the ndmark brown pole with drawings all over it and zipped to the top, stopping at a small, open temple and taking the trio inside. 飞行云到达了带有各种绘画的标志性棕色柱子,并飞到了顶部,在一个小而开放的神殿前停了下来,把三个人带进去。
An upright cat with white fur and a chubby man who vaguely resembled Krillin, but with long hair, stood in wait. 一个直立的白毛猫和一个微微类似于克林的胖子,但头发很长,静静等待着。
"Ah, just as I was about to send Yajirobe down there," the white cat quipped in his raspy voice, with an at simir to some of Frieza's shady associates in space. "啊,我正准备派雅吉罗比下去呢,"那只白猫用他沙哑的声音嘲笑道,带着与一些在太空中类似弗里沙的可疑人士相似的口音。
"Pfft, I was gonna go there without you telling me, anyway," Yajirobe replied with his arms petuntly folded. "呸,反正我打算去那里,你根本不用告诉我,"雅吉罗比带着愤怒地双臂交叉回答道。
"Long time, no see, Korin and Yajirobe!" Goku greeted. "好久不见,科林和雅吉罗比!"悟空问候道。
"If you were gonna down there, I'm guessin' you got some beans?" "如果你们打算去那里,我猜你们有一些豆子,对吗?"
"Yup, but you guys have been stretg us thin, tely," Korin replied. "是的,但是你们最近让我们捉襟见肘。" "All we have are three." "我们只剩下三颗了。"
"Sheesh," Goku said with a ge. "天呐,"悟空痛苦地说道。 "But I guess that'll have to do. We didn't know when these guys were gonna show up." "但我猜那就只能这样了。我们不知道这些家伙什么时候会出现。"
Korin dug through a brown bag. 科林在一个棕色的袋子里翻找。 "I gotta tell you, I've sensed a lot of things on this p over the years, but I've never felt a presehis chilling before. Be careful. "他说道:"我告诉你,这些年来我感受到了很多东西,但我从来没有感受到过如此寒冷的气息。小心点。"他递给悟饭一个豆子,而悟饭竭尽所剩的力气抓住了它。
"Well, this is quite the weird way to meet ya, kid, but it's a pleasure. "嗯,这是相当奇怪的相遇方式,孩子,但很高兴认识你。"
Gohan nodded, closed his eyes, and ched down on the bean. 悟饭点了点头,闭上眼睛,咬碎了豆子。
Those two seds after digestio like two hours. 消化后的那两秒钟感觉就像两个小时。
When it finally kicked in, his eyes shot back open, and with newfound energy Gohan leaped off of the cloud. 最终,效果开始显现,他的眼睛猛地睁开,带着新发现的能量,悟饭跳下云朵。
He rolled Vegeta off of Goku and sat both men up, snapping their cuffs with two swift chops. 他把贝吉塔从悟空身上推开,让两个人都坐了起来,并用两下迅速的砍击解开他们的手铐。
Unfortunately, Goku aa didn't get up, their bodies still quivering from the aftereffects from that powerful electric shock. 不幸的是,悟空和贝吉塔没有站起来,他们的身体仍然在震颤,受到了强大电击的余波影响。 They tried standing, but had no luck. 他们试图站起来,但没有成功。
"Ah man, we're still out of it," Goku grumbled. "啊,伙计,我们还没恢过来。"悟空抱怨道。 "I really don't wanna waste the st two beans…" "我真不想浪费最后两颗豆子……"
Gohan looked at the palms he presently possessed, then his winded father and de faentohan看着他现在拥有的手掌,然后看着他喘气的父亲和事实上的导师。 Though this body felt detly strong, it wasn't even iratosphere of what Goku, Vegeta, and his normal self were capable of. 尽管这个身体感觉相当强壮,但它甚至不能与悟空、贝吉塔和他正常的自己相比。 This problem wouldn't be solved without their power, and thus he took the beans from their bags. 这个问题无法在没有他们的力量的情况下解决,因此他从他们的袋子里取出了豆子。
"So we have no choice but to bet on ourselves, then," Gohan decred. "那么,我们别无选择,只能押注在我们自己身上。"悟饭宣布道。
He fed Goku aa a bean apied watched them spring back up. 他分别给悟空和贝吉塔吃了一颗豆子,然后看着他们重新站了起来。 With their injuries amounting only to nerve damage, he sadly didn't sense any leap in their power; but they were more than good enough to solve the Ginyu problem. 尽管他们只受到神经损伤,他遗憾地没有感觉到他们力量的飞跃;但他们已经足够强大,足以解决吉尼乌的问题。
"Awright! Ba a!" Goku beamed. "好了!重新行动起来!"悟空笑容满面。 "Thanks again, Korin!" "再次感谢你,科林!"
The three Saiyans jumped down from the tower and took flight, heading to the stro sources of Ki. 三名赛亚人从塔上跳下,起飞,向最强的气的来源飞去。 Getting his body back was the only thing on Gohan's mind, even more than Frieza's looming presence. 悟饭心中只有一个想法,那就是找回他的身体,甚至超过了弗利萨令人担忧的存在。 He was already a half-mile ahead of the other two. 他已经领先其他两人半英里。
As they started closing ia suddenly gasped in distress and flew away from the others, catg Goku's attention. 随着他们的逼近,贝吉塔突然喘息着从其他人身边飞走,引起了悟空的注意。 "Yo, Vegeta! What's up?!" “嘿,贝吉塔!怎么了?”
"Just worry about Ginyu!" Vegeta shouted. “只管管吉尼乌就行了!”贝吉塔喊道。
Bulma thought she could handle anything at this stage of her life. 布尔玛认为在她人生的这个阶段,她可以处理任何事情。 Her days of screaming and panig in the face of danger had been long behind her. 她在危险面前尖叫和惊慌的日子已经过去很久了。 For the st hour, she had been traveling up and dow City, getting workers loaded at underground medical stations to ensure people could be rushed to safety. 在过去的一个小时里,她一直在西都城里来回奔波,在地下医疗站给工人装载物资,确保人们能够迅速转移到安全地方。 With every passing moment, her breathing grew bored. 随着时间的流逝,她的呼吸变得困难起来。 Why hadn't she just thrown the govers whatever amount of money would vihem to enfround shelter all over the p? No, obviously that would be egregious sidering she didn't actually know when these guys would arrive. 她为什么不把无论多少钱都扔给政府,说服他们在全球范围内建造地下庇护所呢?不,显然这会让人感到过分,因为她实际上并不知道这些家伙什么时候会到达。 "Oh hey guys, aliens may or may not be arriving at some point so upend your normal lives" wouldn't go over too well. “嘿,伙计们,外星人可能或可能不会在某个时刻到达,所以颠覆你们的正常生活”这样的说法肯定不会很顺利。
Now, as she navigated the street with her fifth cigarette of the hour in her mouth, the pressure was getting to her. 现在,她含着第五支香烟在街上行驶时,压力让她无法承受。 Maybe she should have listeo Vegeta and goh her parents and Trunks to the lookout – but admitting that much would have required her to even think about that man. 也许她应该听贝吉塔的话,跟父母和特兰克斯一起去神之殿堂——但是承认这一点将需要她甚至去考虑那个男人。 She just kept her foot on the gas pedal when suddenly a honking car was heading for her. 她只是继续踩着油门,突然一辆鸣笛的汽车向她驶来。 With a startled scream, she swerved out of the way and avoided a collision. 她惊声尖叫,躲开了车辆,避免了碰撞。 Looking at the line of cars from the street she had maneuvered out of and the flowing traffi the opposite ne of her current street, she had clearly run a red light. 看着她刚刚驶出的街道上的车辆排队和当前街道对面的交通流动,显然她闯了红灯。
"I should pull over," Bulma said, flinging her cigarette out of the window and stopping to park at a gas station. “我应该停下来,”布尔玛说着,将香烟抛出车窗,停在了一个加油站。 Even before she pumped the breaks, her heart started thumping out of her chest while she steadied her hands on the deck. 甚至在她踩刹车之前,她的心脏就开始狂跳,她稳住双手放在方向盘上。
" Bulma, this is nothing. Just some aliens, that's it. You should've died a shitload of times by now. This is fine. " “得了吧,布尔玛,这没什么大不了的。 只是一些外星人,没什么。 你早就应该死了无数次了。 这没什么。”
She closed her eyes and took in all of the smog-ied fresh air, reminding herself that with guys like Goku around, she had plenty of reason to feel safe. 她闭上眼睛,呼吸着充满烟雾的新鲜空气,提醒自己有像悟空这样的人在周围,她有足够的理由感到安全。 She opened her eyes back up, smiling at the parking lot with reassurance. 她重新睁开眼睛,微笑着看着停车场,给自己以安慰。
Until a spaashed the car right o hers. 直到一架太空舱撞碎了她旁边的车。
All of the power within Bulma's lungs went towards her scream. 布尔玛肺中所有的力量都用在了尖叫上。 She leaped out of her car, even disregarding her keys as she and hundreds of others fled into the streets. 她跳出车外,甚至无视了自己的车钥匙,与其他数百人一起逃进了街道。 Rational thought o be found just kept running straight as fast as she could. 理性的思维已经不复存在,她只是一直直线奔跑,尽可能快地奔跑。 In only a minute she was a quarter of a mile away from that parking lot; at some point she had tripped from sheer exertion and scraped her knee, but she had just gotten up a running. 仅仅一分钟的时间,她就跑离了停车场四分之一英里;在某个时刻,她因为过度努力而摔倒,擦伤了膝盖,但她站起来继续奔跑。 Another space pod interrupted her path by flying straight through a nearby building and crushing the street pole by the er where Yamcha had picked her up for their first date about two decades prior. 另一架太空舱穿过附近的一栋建筑物,撞倒了街角的路灯杆,打断了她的路径,而那个街角正是二十年前亚姆查载她去过第一次约会的地方。