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久久小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第23章 决战23

第23章 决战23(1/1)

"GINYU?!" Gohan aa both yelled.


Gohan shook his head vigorously, w if this weren't a dream and he had actually just gone mad. Why was Captain Ginyu in his body, and not in a bulky, purple alien with bck horns?

悟饭猛烈摇头,不知道这是不是梦,还是他真的发疯了。 为什么金酪队长在他的身体里,而不是一个臃肿的紫色外星人,带着黑色的角?

"Thaaaaaaat's right!" Gohan…inyu boasted with a maniacal grin, turning to Gomayn. "I gotta admit, it retty risky switg bodies with that atrolman, but your pn worked out splendidly. I didn't realize this kid ag this much power!"

“没错!”悟饭……或者说金酪自傲地笑着对着戈迈恩说,“我必须承认,与那个弱小的巡逻队员交换身体是相当冒险的,但你的计划完美地成功了。 我没有意识到这个孩子有这么强大的力量!”

"Switg bodies?!" Gohaed, pieg everything together. He looked down at his armor pte and found the mark of the Gactic Patrol. This taller, bulkier physique he now possessed was the one he had just been looking at a minute earlier, a man whom he thought was a Gactic Patrolman but actually a Frieza Force elite masquerading as one.

“交换身体?!”悟饭重复着,把一切都拼凑在一起。 他低头看着自己的盔甲,发现了银河巡逻队的标志。 他现在拥有的这个更高大、更臃肿的身躯就是刚刚一分钟前他所看到的,他以为是一个银河巡逻队员,但实际上是一个伪装成巡逻队员的弗利萨军精英。

"Yup," Gomayn replied. "Ohe inal Maguro firmed Vegeta was involved, well…let's just say Ginyu and I took over the rest of the iigation. "

“是的,”戈迈恩回答道。 “一旦原本的鲔鱼证实了贝吉塔的参与,呃……我们就接管了后续的调查工作。”

"That's Captain Ginyu to you," the super-elite body snatcher corrected his subordih a stern gre in warning.


Gomayn dropped his fident a a hurry to smile apologetically at the Captain. "Why yes, of course! My mistake!"

戈迈恩迅速放下自信的姿态,对队长微笑道歉。 “是的,当然!我的错误!”

The three Saiyans could only watch with their jaws sunken as Gomayn slipped on a scouter of his own. The ain Ginyu set his eyes on the boy whose body he occupied. "And now to test this sucker out…"

这三个赛亚人只能张着嘴巴目瞪口呆地看着戈迈恩戴上了自己的探测器。 新的金酪队长将目光投向他所占据身体的男孩。 “现在,测试一下这个小家伙……”

Befohan could eve, Captain Ginyu phased in front of him and drove his fist through his omach. Even though the body wasn't his, it sent unimaginable pain to bis nerves like he had been born in it, falling to one knee while purple blood spilled from his lips and onto the arm that he had spent his entire life building.

在悟饭来不及反应之前,金酪队长闪现到他面前,一拳打穿了他的新胃。 即使这不是他的身体,它还是给他的神经带来了难以想象的痛苦,就像他是生来就有这个身体一样,他跪倒在地,紫色的血液从他的嘴唇上流出,洒在他一生都在建立的手臂上。

"Gohan!" Goku shouted. He tried getting up to attack Ginyu, but still couldn't make any signifit movement in his body.

“悟饭!”孙悟空大喊。 他试图站起来攻击金酪,但他的身体仍然无法做出任何重要的动作。

Ginyu wrenched his fist from Gohan's stomad let him fall to the floor, cag with joy. Gohan clutched his wounded gut, rolling around and coughing to keep himself from keeling over.

金酪从悟饭的胃中拔出拳头,让他跌倒在地,狂笑着。 悟饭抱住受伤的腹部,打滚着咳嗽,阻止自己昏倒。

" up, Lil' Rice!" Ginyu taunted. "Now you have the pleasure of watg your own body tear your home apart!"

“挺起来,小米饭!”金酪嘲弄道。 “现在你有幸看着你自己的身体摧毁你的家园!”

Through one eye, Goha Ginyu and Gomayn with pure pt for the lows in which they were willing to sink. He tried standing with all of his might, but fell down into a puddle of violet fluids. It was a nightmare of a twist; the body he had train to protect the p he cared about was turned against him to gleefully it the atrocities he abhorred.

悟饭透过一只眼睛怒视着金酪和戈迈恩,对他们愿意沦为如此卑劣的行径充满了蔑视。 他尽全力试图站起来,但最终摔倒在一滩紫色液体中。 这是一个可怕的扭曲梦魇;他曾经训练自己的身体来保护他关心的星球,却被用来愉快地犯下他所憎恶的暴行。

"As much as I'd just love to do the same to you, Veggie," Ginyu said, "Frieza wants you all to himself."


"Is that so?!" Vegeta spat. "That coward has to restraiher than fight like a man?"

“真的吗?!”贝吉塔咬牙切齿地说道。 “那个懦夫不敢与我正面对抗,只能束缚我吗?”

"Just followin' orders," Ginyu quipped with a shrug. He oku. "I don't know much about you, but if you helped them kill Avocado I figure it's safer to keep you like this, too."

“只是遵守命令。”金酪耸耸肩,戏谑地说道。 他向孙悟空挤了挤眼。 “虽然我对你了解不多,但如果你帮助他们杀了阿油果,我想保持你这个状态更安全。”

"I guess people like you only wan into a when the oppos 't defend themselves," Goku sneered.


"You throw me all the srapes ya want, but it's not all about brawn." Ginyu tapped "his" forehead with a wide smile. "The biggest brains win in the end."


Ginyu stopped to admire his newly acquired palms, "Though it sure as hell helps to have the most brawn, too!"


As Captain Ginyu threw pu the air like a child on caffeine, Gomayn smugly folded his arms with an obnoxious chuckle as Gohan writhed on the ground. "This was always the differeween you and me, Gohan. You think you're smart.


(he term "Veggie" used in the dialogue refers to Vegeta, which is a niame used by Captain Ginyu.)

"He proudly pointed his thumb towards his chest. "I am smart!"


"Fuck you," Gohan spat through bloody teeth.


"Shame you won't live long enough for that little slut of yours to see you like this," Gomayn snickered. "But try to hold on and enjoy the show, okay?"


After engaging in a series of poses too ridiculous for words, Ginyu spun around and raised his fists into the sky. "Now let's get this party started! Bring your own bsts!"


Gohan watched as Gomayn and his own body flew out of the ship and into the Earth's skies. He tried crawling, but between the injury and the body he had only a tenuous grasp of, even moving a few muscles took all of his will. Trying to find a fix, Gohan rolled over onto the back that didn't belong to him and dug through the armor pte in search of anything – a unicator, a gun, a key – that could fix their predit. His search wey.


"Son of a bitch…" Vegeta grumbled. "There must be a way out of this!"


"Man, this ain't good at all," Goku anxiously remarked. "If he gets the hang of your body, I don't even know if the twins and Pibiake him."


"It…'t…end this way…" Gohan said through a clump of blood. "It 't…!"


When he looked up at his father aa's dejected, faraway stares, he realized that it very much was.


Piccolo floated in the sky with his arms folded, awaiting an ining space pod at any moment. Deep dowed being on duty to protect a city. His predecessor id wiped them off the map with impunity; he would've only been opposed to invaders because he wahe chaos all to himself. But he had to stop w about a dead man's opinion. He iccolo Junior, and he was fighting for his own sake. People would just be saved along the way.

毕可罗交叠双臂漂浮在天空中,随时等待着外来的太空舱。 在内心深处,他讨厌保护一个城市的职责。 他的前任肆无忌惮地将他们从地图上抹去;他只会反对侵略者,因为他想独占混乱。 但他必须停止担心一个死人的观点。 他是皮克罗·朱尼尔,他为了自己而战斗。 人们只会在路上被拯救。

Off in the distance, his sensitive ears picked up an explosion and the shockwave hit him a sed ter. With one Ki signature rising and thousands vanishing, that meant only ohing. But how? He asked himself, having not seen anything arrive. Regardless, the Ki was enormous, and he flew in its pursuit. His flight took him to a city, smoke his vision the closer he got. From the other ers, he saw the twins and the Earth's hters closing in – Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu. All were taken aback by the colossal Ki. spicuous in their absence were the three Saiyans.

远处,他敏锐的耳朵听到了一声爆炸,冲击波在一秒钟后袭来。 随着一个气息升起,成千上万的气息消失,这只能说明一件事。 但是如何?他问自己,因为他没有看到任何东西到达。 无论如何,那股气息是巨大的,他紧随其后飞行。 他的飞行带他来到一座城市,烟雾越来越浓,阻挡了他的视线。 从其他角落,他看到了双胞胎和地球上的其他战士靠近——克林、山茶、天津和饺子。 所有人都被那巨大的气息吓到。 引人注目的是三个赛亚人的缺席。

But iccolo saw h above the ter of the ruins made his stomach drop.




The Ki didn't feel like him at all, but there he was, smirking wickedly with his arm extended. And he wasn't alone, a boy of simir age with light-green skin and purple, spiky hair right besides him. After all the wohan had put into repairing his mind, had he snapped again?

那股气息一点也不像他,但他就在那里,傻笑着伸出手臂。 而且他不是一个人,他旁边还有一个年龄相仿的男孩,皮肤呈浅绿色,紫色的刺状头发。 在悟饭修复思维所做的所有努力之后,他是否再次崩溃了?

Despair arayal filled Lapis' face. "What the hell are you doing, Gohan? Why?!"

绝望和背叛充满了莱皮斯的脸庞。 “悟饭,你在做什么?为什么?”

Piccolo ched his fist with a cold sweat; this sario was why he'd gone iime chamber in the first pce. An unhinged Gohan was too much for anybody to handle, and now Frieza was ing on top of that? Perhaps his other half's premonition was ing true after all.

皮克罗握紧拳头,冷汗涔涔;这种情况正是他最初进入时间房的原因。 一个不受控制的悟饭对任何人来说都太过于强大了,现在又加上了弗里萨?也许他另一半的预感正在变为现实。

The boy swung his head bad ughed, making the Namekian ahlings glower amongst themselves. The voiing from his mouth sounded nothing like the boy Piccolo had growo. He and the other teenager looked bad forth between all of the fighters surrounding them.

男孩扭转头大笑,使得纳美克星人和地球人彼此愤怒地瞪视。 从他的嘴里传出的声音一点也不像皮克罗习惯的那个男孩。 他和另一个青少年来回看着围绕着他们的所有战士。

"I'm afraid Gohan's left the building, my friends!" the being that should have been the half-Saiyan procimed.


Piccolo's breath ran short, trying to decipher this new void decration. Had Gohan been possessed by one of Frieza's soldiers?

皮克罗喘息急促,试图解读这个新声音和宣言。 悟饭是否被弗里萨的士兵附身了?

"What are you talking about?!" Krillin yelled.


"And what happeo your voice?!"


"Gohan" folded his arms and darkly chuckled.


"It's quite simple, really - a grand switcheroo. This body you see before you is under new ma!"

“其实很简单 - 一次伟大的换位游戏。你们看到的这具身体现在有了新的主人!”他说道。

Whoever this person was, he released a burst of aura around himself, making every warrior fasten themselves oher offense or defense. Piccolo ripped off his cape and turban, shuddering over the prospect of fighting what might not have been Gohan, but certainly a being of his power. If he could tap into that transformation, they would all be as good as dead.

不论这个人是谁,他在自己周围释放出一股气息,使得每个战士都紧张地做好进攻或防御的准备。 皮克罗撕下披风和头巾,颤抖着准备与之战斗,尽管他不确定对手是否真的是悟饭,但肯定是一个拥有他力量的存在。 如果他能够进入那种变身状态,他们所有人都会死无葬身之地。

The imposter didn't strike any of them, however. Instead, he struck…a pose? His left arm stood in the air and his right arm extended across his chest, all while bending his right knee.

然而,这个冒名顶替者没有攻击任何人。 相反,他摆出了一个姿势?他的左臂高举,右臂伸展横过胸口,同时右膝弯曲。

"I am the mighty morpher!"


And theed left fist on his waist and flexed the right arm.


"The powerful ranger of death!"


And then, he spun around like a purple & gold tornado.


"The ripe milk from the supple nipples of the Frieza Force…"

"Frieza Force的柔软乳头上成熟的牛奶..."

…What? Regardless, once he stopped spinning, he spread both arms out wide.




Ign the specific w, Piccolo bristled at the knowledge that this person hijag Gohan's body was indeed one of Frieza's men.


Regardless of whether any pods had arrived, the invasion had begun and their greatest ally ersona non grata. But where were Goku aa? He would have sensed if this guy had powered up and killed the two, but couldn't find their Ki regardless.


The body-snatg captai the boy floatio him and grabbed him by his colr. "Hey! If yonna be fighting alongside me, you better bet your bottom dolr yonna do it with style and pizazz! Now strike a pose and introduce yourself!"


"Y-Yes, Captain!"


After Ginyu freed his grip, the teenager faced the equally bewildered fighters and cleared his throat. Gingerly lifting his arms and warily gng at the expet boy that wasn't a boy, he raised his index fingers in the air.


"I am…the, um…lean, green…fighting mae!"


Though "his" face was weighed heavily with scrutiny, Ginyu nodded approvingly. "Good, good.


He lowered his arms and crossed them over his chest, still looking to Ginyu fuidahe…juicy mango…of destru?"

他放下双臂,交叉在胸前,仍然向吉纽寻求指导。 “...毁灭之...多汁芒果?”

"Iing bination of personification and wordpy with a sprinkling of irony, yes…"


"I AM…!"

Before he could finish his makeshift routine, Lapis dove in and kicked him all the way down to the wreckage, ing Ginyu's righteous indignation.


"You treacherous fiend! How dare you! Gomayn had a good thing going and you rui! Have you no respect for the theater of battle? The passion, the performahe iy?"


"I'm afraid there's more important things at hand than your little danumber," Lapis procimed, croug into a fighting stance.


"Fool! There are few things more important than the swagger y to the battlefield!" Ginyu shouted with his fist raised. "But if you're all in a rush to die…then die, you shall!"


As he sed the martial artist collective, one warrior in green caught his eye the most. "Whoa now, what's a Namekian doing all the way out here? I heard all about you folks and your mystical wish granting orbs on your home p. Might be fairytales, but maybe we should cross that off our bucket list once we're done wiping out the Saiyan sce. "

当他扫视武术家集体时,绿色的一个战士引起了他的最大兴趣。 “哇,现在,一个那美克星人在这里做什么?我听说过你们和你们的家园星球上的神秘许愿珠的故事。 或许是童话,但也许我们在消灭赛亚人之后可以将其从我们的人生愿望清单中划掉。”
